Tuesday 8 October 2024


It's been an incredibly busy and stressful two weeks, although I'm hopeful things might be a little more settled moving forwards, for a short while, at least, any chance of life slowing down any time soon has all but gone.  I feel wrung out. I don't sleep well at the best of times, and it has been even more of a challenge given the recent turn of events, not to mention I haven't been eating well, which has been through lack of opportunity, not choice. I've had little time to take stock, but I'm very aware things needs to change. I need to pare back, prioritise and seek out some moments of calm. 

I will intentionally give swimming a miss today. As much as I will miss it, as I've come to really enjoy my weekly sessions, I just need a moment in my day where I am not rushing about in order to achieve something. I imagine that anyone who is a carer for a friend or relative can resonate with this. Constantly putting the other person's needs before our own, comes naturally, but not without cost. Please don't think I am complaining. I realise that I am in a privileged position where I am able to be around to help, but balancing all my responsibilities is proving rather difficult. 

You can imagine my relief when last weekend arrived and I had half a day when I didn't need to be anywhere. Even better, the sun was shining, it was a beautiful early autumn morning. A moment to slow down, take a breath, and (try to) relax, so a walk through the deer park seemed like a delightful idea. Unlike the previous day, there was very little breeze and it was warm. It was so lovely. Of course, I had dressed for cooler weather, so it wasn't long before I needed to remove a layer or two. I was slightly miffed that it wasn't the weather for hat wearing, as my hair might have been much better hidden beneath one. It is looking quite 'neglected' at the moment. In fact, I probably won't be needing to dress up this Hallowe'en, I just need a broomstick :)  

Our walk took us through an avenue of trees, then along by the river. Leaves were gently falling all around us, but it will still be several weeks before autumn displays it's true colours. The deer are dark in colour, and as they were alongside the wall, well away from the path, I didn't even try to take a photograph of them. It is always so lovely to see them though. They make in impressive sight when they are running through the park.

Something else impressive, were the cakes we treated ourselves to, from the bakery at Levens Hall. Carrot cake, and Beetroot and Chocolate cake. So yummy! The hot chocolates we had were delicious as well. 

We sat in the courtyard for a while, enjoying watching the bees busying themselves among the flowers.

Then we walked back along the opposite side of the river. The trees beautifully reflected in the water. I managed to take this photograph just a moment before one of those stones landed with a huge splash, right in the middle, there. Lily just couldn't help herself. Don't worry, there weren't any ducks close by. 

Almost as soon as I'd returned to the car, it was as though a bubble burst. The moment was gone and I was back to worrying about things, once again. It is uncertain as to how the situation will be navigated, moving forwards, but for the time being I will continue to do everything I can, while relishing those in between moments, in order to re-fill my cup. 

The first thing on my list, will be sorting my hair out. 

J. X


  1. Glad you had a moment of peace and relaxation. Definitely go and get your hair done it will be a real boost for you. It’s hard to see a way forward but I’m sure things will get better soon. One day at a time :) B x

  2. I don't need to tell you how beneficial it is to get outdoors and enjoy the calming effects of nature when you're feeling stressed, I think you know all about that. Life throws you curve balls every now and then and it's important to remember to look after yourself during these periods, both mentally and physically. Half an hour in the hairdresser's chair might just do you the power of good (though I have to say, it would stress me even more, I hate going to the hairdressers, haha). Those cakes do look scrummy.

  3. Your photo's are stunning, english countryside shown at it's best, I would have wanted to see ripples from a pebble in the pond. Life can be too hectic, and in the coming months it can it can spin like mad, I do hope you find your me time, we all need it.

  4. Oh Jules do look after yourself and treat yourself to a nice hair-do, you deserve it. Caring is a full time job and is stressful. Always make time to appreciate all the wonderful things around you. Take care xx

  5. Oh, my friend. I took a look back and read your previous post. I am so sorry about your family one. I send all the prayers and good thoughts for you all. I am glad you and Lily were able to enjoy, if only for a brief time, the normalcy in that beautiful day. I can add nothing to what your other readers have said. It seems you know to find a bit of time for yourself in the middle of caring for others you love, running a cozy household, and working an important job. Hugs from here.

  6. Oh Jules, I am sorry to read you are struggling. I went back to your previous post, you've really had a difficult time, and continue to have a difficult time. I am glad you are able to care for your relative but I imagine it is tough on you and Lily. Carving out a few minutes, or part of day for a wonderful walk hopefully provides some much needed relief, even as the memory fades. The cakes look delicious! I have used COOK in the past when I experienced a period of stress and unsettledness. Their frozen meals are better than most and it almost feels like eating a proper meal. I am not sure they deliver where you live but worth a try if you struggle to find time to prepare meals for yourself and Lily. As for your hair, I am sure it is not as bad as you think. But if you are getting a broomstick, can I please join you? Lots of love from one wild haired women to another.

  7. I am glad you were able to take some time to enjoy a walk in the park and relax a bit. That cake looks delicious! You do need to take care of yourself, even while caring for others, or, should I say, especially while caring for others?

  8. I am so very sorry to hear that you are finding yourself stretched to the point that you have nothing else to give. That is such a hard place to be. I hope you can find more of those snatched moments to fill you cup up just a little bit and those spaces get a little more and a little often as time passes. We live close to one another so if there is anything I can do to ease things for you do reach out. Look after you xx

  9. Yes caring for a family member can be very tiring and it's important to look after you too ... although it's not always easy.
    So pleased you found time to get out in some lovely looking countryside, beautiful photographs.
    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  10. Oh Jules, I'm so sorry to hear you've been going through a difficult time. Being a caregiver is a challenging job. Please know I'm thinking of you and Lily as it's not easy for her either. Do take some time for yourself though relax a bit and recharge. You'll be glad you did. Take care, dear friend.
