Monday, 19 March 2018

Dreaming of Spring

Each morning now I wake and wonder if the day will bring a noticeable rise in temperature. It's flipping freezing! And not very Spring like. Winter, you have been wonderful, but it's time you went now. I am desperately ready to breathe in some warm, sweet air.

So far this month life has been fairly hectic. I am settling into and enjoying working once again, but because I've also been volunteering at Lily's school and doing some online training, it has been taking up quite a bit of my time and I'm struggling to find the balance between having some time out and getting all the chores done. I won't worry too much though, as if that's all I have to concern myself with then I am very blessed - the housework will always wait, but it's those moments when I sit down in an evening and realise how messy everything is that I don't like. Maybe I'll have a good clean though tomorrow.

Last week we did have a hint of some mild weather so we took ourselves out for a gentle walk. The Snowdrops are fading now and the Wild Garlic is trying it's best to make an appearance in the woods. In the sun it was pleasant enough to sit a while and take in the view. Lily, of course, had other ideas and wanted to play hide and seek! As you can see from the photograph below the hiding places were few and far between, but as big sister took charge, I could sit back, relax and enjoy watching them laugh and play, all the while  berating myself for not fetching a flask of coffee with me. 

Also, during the week I  enjoyed a proud mummy moment. Lily has learned to ride her bike! and is, quite rightly, very happy about it, smiling and giggling as she cycles along. I can now see us having many rides out this Summer. When I took this photograph she still needed a little help setting off, but now  she can do that by herself there will be no stopping her.

J. X