A little later than usual, courtesy of a mainly overcast May, but the lanes and pathways are overflowing with Cow Parsley, Clover and Buttercups and, for the time being at least, it looks like the sunny weather is here to stay. And, better still, it coincided with my week off work. I had a lovely week and it was just what I needed, especially after feeling under the weather beforehand. Time spent relaxing at home, as well as days out, making the most of the warm weather. I really feel as though I've been away on holiday.

Our first day out included a walk up Blea Rigg from Grasmere. A few weeks back you might remember Lily and I walked up to Easedale Tarn then on up to Tarn Crag. This walk followed the same path to begin with but ascended the opposite side of the tarn to the fell beyond. It was a beautiful, hot day and Lily had fun cooling off in the tarn on our way back to the village, where, of course, we treated ourselves to another ice cream. I also treated myself to some new biscuit cutters from the Herdy shop. Because who wouldn't want a biscuit in the shape of a sheep. 🐑
The following day we enjoyed a slightly later start and went for a walk through the woods. The light is beautiful in there now, when the sunlight filters thorough the leaves, and there is still a strong smell of Wild Garlic in the air even though the flowers are just beginning to fade. In the evening we went to the the beach and enjoyed a chippy tea.
Mid-week, we set off early again to find ourselves a deserted spot by the lake for some paddle boarding. Even as the morning went on, it remained fairly quiet, which was a pleasant surprise after everything I had read about the Lakes being inundated with visitors. Perhaps it was, but just not where we were. And now that the water has had the chance to 'warm up' a little, we enjoyed a quick swim, something we have missed doing regularly during the last year. I think we will be swimming at the lake for much of the summer now, though I'm not yet brave enough try it at any other time of year.
Once again, we are participating in 30 Days Wild. Every June we are encouraged to participate in random acts of wildness throughout the month. This year we have planted wildflower seeds in the garden instead of vegetables, and it's wonderful to see how quickly they have grown. I can't wait to see them all in flower. One of the suggestions in the challenge is to visit a local nature reserve, which was where we spent a lovely morning watching the dragonflies and damselflies by the pond. Disappointingly, we didn't find any lizards on this occasion but I was more than happy not to encounter any adders, which have apparently been spotted there recently.
Our last day out of the week was a walk up to Glenridding Dodd, then on up to Sheffield Pike. Two small fells on the western shores of Ullswater. These can be climbed from Glenridding itself but we took a lesser known route up through the trees which opened up to reveal some beautiful views of the lake below.
This week has seen us return to work and school and I'm beginning to get my voice back - at last. Much to my relief but not necessarily everyone else's :) In the garden the strawberries are beginning to ripen and in the lanes the elderflower are almost ready for gathering. Summer is on it's way and I can't wait.
J. X