Wednesday 14 August 2024

At Home


It's funny that even though I have more time on my hands than usual, I'm finding it trickier to post. I think it's down to having less structure to my days, and little concept of real time. I'm struggling to remember what day it is. Not that I'm complaining, as that will all change in a few weeks, when school starts again for the autumn term. Just this once I have been remarkably well organised, and Lily has everything she needs to start secondary school, including the 'right' kind of bag and coat :)

Yes, I used the word 'autumn'. Although the days are still delightfully and most definitely summer, the evenings are becoming that little bit cooler and certainly darker. Along with my upcoming birthday, the middle of August also signals the arrival of late summer here. Rowan berries are beginning to turn a vibrant red and blackberries will soon be ripe enough for picking, but as always, I will be clinging on to my favourite season for as long as I possibly can.

This year, I have spent quite a bit of time de-cluttering the house. Whilst on my summer break, this has gathered pace and I am now noticing a significant difference. In the kitchen, all the cupboards have been emptied and sorted. Items that haven't been used for some time have been discarded - well, sent to the charity shop - and the walls have received a fresh coat of paint. It looks so much better already, but I will be giving it a second coat of paint tomorrow, then hanging my new blinds. I really need to put down some new flooring, but that might need to wait a couple of months. After that I will be starting on Lily's bedroom, but I will be fitting this in as and when I can. One step at a time.

Both cats have been spending a lot of time outdoors, enjoying the good weather. But at home, when she's not guarding my clean laundry, Mog has found herself a new sleeping spot, on top of Lily's (yet to be de-cluttered) toy box. Boo, on the other hand, has taken to sleeping on top of the hob! He is the sweetest cat, but certainly not the brightest.

The garden is beginning to looking a bit weary now, and although the hydrangeas are still looking fabulous, many of the flowers are past their best. I've already harvested and enjoyed some of the potatoes, and the beetroot will need pickling soon. The lemon trees are still doing well, and the experimental pumpkins are growing fast. Who knows, I might be carving a home grown one this Hallowe'en. 

J. X