Saturday, 29 February 2020

Sunshine on a Rainy Day

Yesterday, my friend asked me how my week had been and I replied, honestly, that it had been rather ordinary. Good ordinary. I didn't go into all the boring detail but the rain poured, work and school happened, rooms got cleaned and tidied, the rain poured some more, cakes were baked, laundry was washed, ironed and put away, and I did the weekly shop. Some weeks are like this and I am grateful for them. Life isn't all about amazing days out and notable accomplishments, and it's weeks like this that give me the time to catch up with those little jobs and mundane tasks which allow for the more memorable ones.

The weather has had a huge part to play in this ordinary week. All around us is so wet and muddy, and even though I wish I was spending more of my time outdoors it really isn't very nice out there.  Wellies are definitely my footwear of choice at the moment. Even my faithful walking boots would struggle to cope with the washed out pathways and ankle deep mud. It may be that we are seeing hints of spring, although it is quite clear we are still in the grip of winter here and the biting cold winds along with the constant rain mean any time I've spent out walking has been opportunistic and fleeting.

At the weekend there was such a moment and a short walk through the woods beckoned. It's close to home, reasonably sheltered and one of my favourite places when I want a quick countryside fix. The winds had quietened and it seemed eerily still, compared to the previous night's stormy weather. The earth, which has been sleeping for so long, showing signs of awakening. Snowdrops, sadly gone now, making way for the daffodils, of which I'm sure there will be an abundance here in the coming weeks. Catkins adorn the hazel trees and, just like a child, I still cant resist touching them as I walk past.

Returning home the skies poured with rain once again. My hands wrapped contentedly around a hot mug of tea, grateful for this snatched moment of fresh air and sunshine on, yet another, rainy day.
J. X