Sunday, 23 February 2025

A Relaxing Week

If ever we needed reminding that spring is still a little while off, then the weather today has done just that. It's been dark and windy, and the rain has been lashing against the windows all day. Thoroughly miserable. We've been hunkered down indoors, which hasn't been a bad thing, as I've had lots to be getting on with. I start back at work again tomorrow, so it's been good to get on top of all things house and admin related. I've made a big batch of soup, finally finished the painting in the kitchen, and I've been planning another couple of short trips for later in the year. There has also been much juggling of finances, as I'm looking at getting a new (to me) car. I'll be taking Lily to see it tomorrow before I make a final decision. Exciting!

And it has been really lovely spending this last week at home. Most of my friends had acted surprised when I'd told them I hadn't got any plans for my week off. But just as I'd thought, it has been exactly what I needed. Having nothing in the diary meant that we could take advantage of any sunnier days, and we've enjoyed some very pleasant walks. We've been down by the lake, enjoyed a quiet early morning ramble along the canal, and last night, we watched the most beautiful sunset over the sea. A perfect prescription for wellbeing. 

I've made plans for the garden. I had initially hoped that I'd be able to dig over the raised bed and have a general tidy around this week, but I think that will need to wait for some drier weather. I've already sowed some sweet peas, peppers and strawberries indoors, and I've  bought several packets of seeds, which will be sowed directly outdoors sometime in early spring.

Another activity Lily and I have enjoyed this week, has been watching the first series of All Creatures Great and Small, on iPlayer. It's been so good. We've tucked ourselves up, nice and cosy under a blanket each evening, and been transported back in time to the beautiful Yorkshire Dales. It's encouraged us both in wanting to explore the area a little more, and is the main reason I've been making plans for another trip. 

Back soon.
J. X