Words I never expected to hear myself saying, but I did yesterday whilst we were out walking.
My heart has always belonged to the summer. Long, hot days, sunshine, bare feet. But recently something inside me has shifted and I have discovered a new appreciation for this time of year.
I am sure this is partly in thanks to my blog reading. The enthusiasm of others towards this season is infectious and has had a knock-on effect with me. But I think the main reason is that I'm now watching it all unfold through Lily's eyes. Walks in the woods, the changing colour of the trees, kicking through the leaves, collecting conkers and acorns, the scent of bonfires and wood smoke in the air and even the darker evenings - "everybody must be in bed, mummy."
Last week we enjoyed a short break away in Edinburgh. It was our first return to the capital since July and it was simply glorious.
In Princes Street gardens the leaves were falling from the trees, the sky was blue and clear and the views were beautiful. It felt so good to spend some time together in what have now become very familiar surroundings.
Halloween came and went here in a very understated way. We carved a pumpkin, made a rather delicious soup and added a few seasonal touches to the house.
The throw is gradually increasing in size. I keep picking it up whenever I have a spare moment. It's at that wonderful stage where it is keeping me lovely and cosy while I work on it.
I am hoping to keep indulging in my new found appreciation of Autumn for as long as I can, embrace the seasons and stop wishing time away.
J. X