Saturday 28 September 2024

From Summer into Autumn


And just like that, we stumbled into autumn. The last day of summer was quite beautiful here, and I spent some time in the garden doing a little bit of tidying. One of my surprise sunflowers had opened up and, although a little late, it was lovely to see. The second sunflower is waiting patiently for it's moment to shine, but I think this week's forecast sunshine might just provide the encouragement it needs. 

 The pumpkins are turning more and more orange with each passing day. 🎃

My lovely acer, which still needs repotting. A job for next weekend, I think. 

In the evening we watched the last of the summer sun set above the Lakeland fells. It was a beautiful way to end our summer, even if it had been a rather disappointing one this year. Let's hope autumn more than makes up for it. 

The following day we set off from Borrowdale, and walked up High Spy and Maiden Moor. Two more Wainwrights ticked off, but more importantly, a wonderful day up on the fells. It was a steep ascent, but the views towards Keswick were stunning, and by setting off from Grange we managed to avoid the crowds on Catbells. Also, my foot held up well, which was a huge relief. Autumn colours were already starting to show, but I am looking forward to a far more glorious display as we head through October.

This week, just as life was ticking along quite nicely, I was thrown a curve ball, and have spent much of my time driving up and down the motorway, visiting a family member who is in hospital. In between times, I've been attempting to juggle work and family life, including keeping the routine as steady as possible for Lily. I feel exhausted. It would have been very easy for me to miss my weekly swim session, but instead I made the effort, and I'm so glad I did. It felt good to do something for myself, even if only for a short while. And it's going to be much of the same for this coming week, at least. So, in between times, I need to remind myself to seek out those small moments that make me happy.

Speaking of which. Look what I found on my way to work yesterday :)

J. X