Sunday 14 July 2024

The Garden in July

It was never my intention to be away for so long. I had anticipated these last few weeks would be busy, but what I hadn't realised was just how busy they would be. I've hardly stopped. Now, I know the term 'busy' often gets thrown around these days, almost like a badge of honour. As though the busier our lives are, the more successful we are. But this is most definitely not the case, and I am looking forward to enjoying less hurried days, when autumn term begins again in September. Since the start of the year, it feels like I have been clinging on day by day. It's been quite a challenge, but I've always known the end was in sight. And the end will be this Friday, the culmination of the school summer term, and Lily's final day at primary school. It will definitely feel bittersweet, it's been a wonderful journey, and one which I have been fortunate enough to be a part of for all these years. Most recently, there's been school performances, transition days, and the purchase of a whole new school uniform, including a blazer! My little girl is growing up.

Since my last post, summer has arrived, but unfortunately the weather didn't seem to get the memo. I've never known it to be so miserable in July. Whenever there has been a dry spell, I've spent whatever spare time I have had, getting some work done in the garden. It's only very small, but I do like to try and make the most of the available space. I had hoped to get a new gate and fence fitted this year, just to make it a little more private and secure, but I havent managed to get hold of anyone yet. Oh well, I guess I'll just keep on trying.

Anyway, to ease me back into regular posting, I thought I would start by sharing some photographs of the garden, that I've taken over the last few weeks. 

The beautiful Acer was a gift from a good friend. I've always loved Acers, but for some reason, I've never thought to have one in my garden. I'm really happy with it, but I should probably get it re-potted soon. 

The lockdown lemon trees are growing well. I needed to cut them back, as they had become a little top-heavy, but if you zoom in, you can probably see that there are some new shoots growing already. I'm hoping that I might see some fruit growing in the next couple of years. 

The blackcurrants have since been turned into delicious jam. There was a much smaller harvest this year, as this tree had also been a victim of my secateurs. 

I was thrilled to win this planter in a raffle. The sweet peas are flowering now, and I've picked some to put in a vase on my kitchen windowsill. 

Hydrangeas providing a lovely burst of colour. 

This year, the garden will hopefully be providing us with some potatoes and beetroot, both of which appear to be growing well. We are also attempting to  grow our own pumpkins. 

And, of course, keeping an eye on everything, I've always got my two little 'helpers'.

Back soon.

J. X