Monday, 29 March 2021


With the arrival of spring it now feels as if can finally begin to look forward with quiet optimism. More than ever, my thoughts have turned to long, sunny days spent outdoors, the importance of which hasn't been lost on any of us these last twelve months. Even better if these times are to be shared with loved ones again. I can't wait.

It's so uplifting to see signs of life everywhere. The hedgerows are beginning to bud, lambs are in the fields and in the woods the scent of wild garlic now fills the air. With some beautiful, sunny weather heading our way, we will definitely be going back to gather some later in the week. The taste of wild garlic pesto stirred through some freshly cooked pasta makes the perfect meal to me. Simple but delicious.

Last week, however, the woods were filled with daffodils. On any previous walks there I had noticed some green shoots among the trees but they hid themselves well and it wasn't until they had flowered that I realised just how many there were. They were throughout the woodland and looked just like a carpet of gold.

Since I last posted, I feel as though much of my time has been spent going backwards and forwards to work. This hasn't really been the case, of course, although I am relieved that my hours will be reduced slightly when I return after the spring break. This will be a positive shift for me and allow for some breathing space. A little more time to focus on home and family life, restore some consistency which has been lacking recently and enable some much needed balance.

And speaking of balance, I intend to spend the next two weeks relaxing, walking and making the most of (what I hope will be) some good weather. 

J. X