Saturday, 30 November 2024

Cold, Sparkly Mornings

As we near December, the weather has turned much colder here. I'm still riding my bike to work, although I'm wearing more and more layers as winter approaches. I have to be careful. For the most part, the road is fairly free from frost and ice, but I'm often distracted by views like this.

I wanted to blog before tomorrow, as a few of you have asked if I will be posting daily throughout December, like I usually do. I'm sad to say that I won't be doing this year. As much as I enjoy it, I just have too much going on right now, and I won't have the opportunity. My good intentions of enjoying a quieter month are also quite unlikely, as I only have the weekends to be able to get Christmas 'sorted'. Posting daily would put far too much unnecessary pressure on myself, and for me that is not what blogging is about. 

It won't just be preparations, however, as I'm being very firm with myself, this year, and keeping things as stress free as possible. There are also a lot of other fun things happening, which I'm very excited about. Since I last posted I've made a start with gift buying, which seems to be a little bit easier this year, especially as I have fewer people to buy for. I've purchased a very inexpensive box of Christmas Crackers, simply because I liked the pattern, and nobody really bothers with the novelty gifts anyway. And a lovely work colleague has taken orders for Christmas Cakes. She is, I've been told, an excellent baker, so I don't have any need to spend time making one myself. Then I've sat myself down and made a list of what I'd really like this Christmas, which is to make a homemade door wreath, a trip to go ice skating, and enjoying a drink (or two) of my Winter Spice Vodka. Oh, and I mustn't forget the Baileys and Quality Street! Everything else will remain optional. Christmas Day will be a pared back affair. Not quite my ideal vegetable lasagne and red wine scenario, but certainly much more simple. Yikes, I almost forgot the After Eights!

On a more reassuring note, I've just been checking in my diary, and so far it is completely empty between Christmas Day and New Year. Completely empty! I'm sure that will change at some point, but I'm going to try and keep it that way for as long as possible. 

J. X