Sunday, 28 April 2019

Bluebell Walk

On the final day of our holidays we chose to go for a walk close to home. It was a sensible decision, as we still had some preparations to make for the start of the new school term and just this once it felt satisfying to enjoy a leisurely early morning before leaving the house.

There is a lovely gentle walk through the fields, passing the edges of the village and out towards a small woodland which, at this time of year, is known locally for it's beautiful displays of bluebells. 
As has become our tradition at Easter time, we took a chocolate egg along with us to enjoy once we got there, although this was the first time I have needed to put it in a cool bag! It was a beautiful, warm and sunny morning, and I didn't want to chance it melting.

The spring flowers are out in abundance right now and I take great pleasure in helping Lily point out the ones she remembers easily, like wild garlic and violets, and some she needs a little prompting with, such as sunshines (celandines) and woodland enemies (woodland anemones). Although, I think I much prefer Lily's names for them.

Having been a while since our last visit,  I hadn't realised just what a treat we had in store for us once we reached the woods. I had been hopeful of a plentiful display and to my great delight I wasn't disappointed. There were bluebells in every direction and the air was filled with their delicate, sweet scent. The sun shining through the trees really showed them off at their very best as we followed the pathway further along through the trees, so that we ended up surrounded by a carpet of blue.

No matter how many photographs I took - and I took A LOT! - I still didn't manage to capture just how stunning the bluebells really were, but I hope you agree they were definitely worth a trip to the woods that day and a post of their very own.
J. X