Saturday, 19 September 2020

Almost Autumn


I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this post will publish OK. I've left it so long since my last one that I no longer have the option to revert to legacy blogger and this is my first time of using the new format.
I've been busying myself adjusting to the rhythm of a new school year and adapting to a new job role, so although it means life is slightly more hectic than usual at the moment, I'm sure things will settle down once I find my feet and establish a new routine.

Lily is enjoying being back at school and being with her friends again. I have been surprised and reassured at how quickly the children have adapted to the new measures which have been implemented. And I am happy to be back working once again, I hadn't realised just how much I had missed the interaction with my colleagues.

The nights are closing in much earlier now, but although the mornings and evenings are beginning to feel much fresher, we are still being blessed with bright sunny days and by mid morning the temperatures are high enough to be without a sweater. The fine weather days also mean I've been cycling to work more regularly and, even though it's not all that far to travel, every little helps with my attempts at keeping fit, so I hope to keep it up as long as possible.

As always, at this time of year, the lovely people of the village leave their excess windfall apples for others to help themselves, so I've been putting several in my backpack as I've been passing and have made apple sauces for the freezer and a delicious apple crumble. The tree must be quite large, as there are at least two large buckets full left on the wall every couple of days.
The hedgerows have also been generous with their offerings of blackberries and elderberries. I now have a freezer full of them both. I've made several jars of jam and my usual blackberry vodka is steeping at the back of the cupboard in readiness for December. When I get a little more time this week, I will make some blackberry and elderberry compote, ready for stirring in to my morning porridge.

Today, I've pulled the remaining carrots from the garden and this week I will be enjoying the last of the fresh beetroot before digging over the raised bed. The sunflowers are all but gone now, the tomatoes are (finally) beginning to ripen and it won't be long before the grass receives it last cut of the season.

Back soon.
J. X