Saturday 8 June 2024


I would have posted last night, but I was so exhausted that I went to bed at 9pm. It was Lily's last primary school sports day, and I was on my feet for most of the day. I felt so proud though. She came second in the sprint, and took an easy first place in the skipping race. For some reason she is much faster with a rope than without :)

It feels like no time at all since the beginning of the week, and things will only get busier between now and the end of term. I am very aware that these coming weeks are going to require much spinning of plates, and I will definitely feel overwhelmed at times, but there is an end in sight. And that end will hopefully result in a relaxing summer break and some sunnier weather. At the moment, other than a couple of planned activities, I haven't given too much thought to holidays. I'm sure we will get away at some point, but we are incredibly fortunate to live in a very beautiful part of the world, and we do enjoy exploring it. 

Last week, it was our half-term and  we went along to a Herdwick Experience, at Yew Tree Farm, near Coniston. The Lake District is well know for it's delightful Herdies, mainly thanks to Beatrix Potter championing their conservation. As you might expect, they are a hardy breed,  and they usually steer well away from people up on the fells. But at this farm, they hold meet and greet sessions with their very friendly 'ambassador' flock. 

I had expected traffic to be busy, but it wasn't, which meant we arrived far too early for our session. So to pass the time we went for a short walk up to Tom Gill Falls, which lies part way between the farm and Tarn Hows. On returning to the farm, Mel, who was leading the session that day, introduced herself to us and we spent time learning about the farm, the breed, and how their wool is used, before the best part, which was walking to the fields to finally meet the sheep. They greeted us by the gate, which made it a struggle to get through, then after feeding them we sat down on the grass and waited for the sheep to come over to us. And it wasn't long before they did. Lily and I were joined by Pip, Maeve, Sue and Fudge. They were so gentle, and they all had their own distinct personalities. We spent over a hour there simply stroking the sheep and it was the most relaxed I've felt in ages. A really lovely afternoon.

On the Friday afternoon, we set off for somewhere I've been meaning to visit for a long time now, Skiddaw House. This is a small youth hostel, situated at the back of Skiddaw and not accessible by car. It doesn't have phone signal or internet connection and is completely off-grid, which is part of it's charm. We made the 5 mile walk from Keswick, past the lower slopes of Latrigg, around Lonscale Fell, and up the Glenderaterra Valley. It was overcast, but warm and we were looking forward to our mini- adventure. We arrived shortly before 5pm, which is when the hostel opens for the evening, although walkers can call in during the day and make use of their self service honesty cafe. We were greeted by Sue, the manager of the hostel, who booked us in and explained how everything worked. Although the hostel can sleep up to 21, along with another family and a small group of friends, there would only be 12 of us spending the night there.

Skiddaw House in the trees.

We had a twin room, overlooking Great Calva, with comfortable beds and extra blankets if required. There were shared bathroom facilities and plenty of hot water for showers, courtesy of solar panels. Downstairs was a large kitchen and dining area, and a lounge, both with wood burning stoves, and there was even a small shop selling food and drink. We were definitely back to basics, but it was clean and comfortable, and we had everything we needed. 
Dinner was sausages and pasta, and we spent a lovely evening chatting with the other guests and playing some of the games in the lounge. Lily enjoyed reading some of the old visitor books, which is something I also like to do whenever I visit somewhere new. It wasn't a cold evening, but our long walk and the warmth from the stove had us feeling sleepy, so we boiled the kettle for our hot water bottles and went up to bed.

I slept really well, but as usual, I was awake very early. Being very careful not to disturb anyone else, I crept downstairs, made myself a mug of coffee and sat on the small bench outside watching the sunrise. It was so peaceful and still, I could hear only the birds, and the rushing water of the River Caldew further along the valley. 

Then it wasn't long before Lily was awake, and we ate our breakfast, quietly packed up our rucksacks and set off back towards Keswick. It was a bright and sunny start to the day, which worked out rather well, as our trip was timed perfectly for a slight detour up Latrigg so that I could take a photograph. 

For anyone who hasn't been reading here long, every two years I take a photograph of Lily in the same spot, overlooking Keswick and Derwentwater. This started out as a happy accident, but is something I will try to continue. At least until she tells me not to :) Here is a link to the previous post all about it.

Then the following morning, I went for a walk with a friend, up Wansfell Pike. This is a small fell overlooking Ambleside, which has some amazing views. We might have stopped off at Force Cafe on the way back down, for coffee and cake. They were delicious. If anyone is visiting Ambleside, then I would definitely recommend it there. 

Then we walked back beneath the trees, alongside the waterfalls and down towards the lake again.

J. X


  1. Well done Lily on winning the skipping race and achieving a second place too. Your visit to Yew Tree Farm sounds lovely as does your stay at Skiddaw House. I remember your photos of Lily taken at the same spot showing how much she has grown up, quite the young lady now xx

    1. It was lovely for her to win this final time. Next year's sports day will be quite different. Xx

  2. It sounds like an action packed half-term and I love the sound of that Herdy Experience. I remember this last few weeks of term and how hectic they become, glad you've recharged your batteries before it gets so busy.

    1. The Herdwick Experience was so great, especially as the sheep are just so adorable. There is a lot to fit into these final weeks. There's the whole transition process, the residential trip, the summer performance, and of course, the leavers assembly. X

  3. I like the idea of the photograph of Lily from the same spot. And what beautiful scenery she is looking at. Now that I am housebound it is lovely to do a wak with you both via photographs - thank you both for allowing me to join you.

  4. Oh Jules, I am filled with joy reading of your outings and adventures. Once they are used to you, sheep can be remarkably friendly creatures and as you found, have very distinct personalities.

    It is some years since I walked up to Skiddaw House but I have always come back the same day. It's a marvellous place, feels like 'proper' wilderness.

    Wonderful to see the 'usual' photo of Lily on Latrigg, you have created such a fabulous archive and I hope it gives both of you much pleasure in years to come, xx

    1. Wish me luck for the next Latrigg photograph, Jayne. Lily will be 13! X

  5. My friend, I am so thankful you share your beautiful world with us. I adore the beauty and calm that you share here. Thank you for sharing the photos of inside your hostel too. I am in love with it! I love your tradition of Lily's photograph in the same amazing place. I hope you have a joyous summer filled with many cozy and adventurous days.

    1. Thank you, Billie Jo. Our stay at the hostel was a memorable experience. We will definitely go back some time. Xx

  6. Must put it on our to do list as it looks so inviting. I have a fondness for that part of the country although I know I am also lucky to live where I do. x

    1. You live in a beautiful part of the country, Jackie. It's been far too long since I've visited the South-West. Xx

  7. Well done to Lily at sports day.
    I do like your tradition of photographing Lily showing her looking out at that amazing view.

    Lovely post and glorious photographs.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you, Jan. It was lovely to see Lily win her favourite race, for the final time. Xx

  8. Well done, Lily, coming first and second in the races you participated in!

    I love your tradition of taking a photo of Lily from the same spot, every couple of years!
    Sounds like you had a lovely break and I enjoy seeing the photos of the places you visit. :)

  9. What a wonderful half term - you're right, you don't need to go away to enjoy the most stunning views, places and walks.
    I wish it wasn't quite so far away.

    Congratulations, Lily. xx

    1. I feel very fortunate to have so much beautiful scenery on my doorstep. Xx

  10. Lily is so grown up in your photo, I remember seeing a small girl in your first one.

    1. She had only just turned a year old when I took the first photograph. It feels like only yesterday. Xx

  11. What a perfect way to spend half term. Love the idea of the off grid youthhostel. My idea of heaven. Great to have photos of Lily through the ages. B x

    1. Staying at the Youth Hostel was a great experience. Lily thought it was a very exciting adventure. Xx

  12. The Herdies are melting my heart. Your close up photo is wonderful.
    Well done to Lily with her skipping and other races. You must be a proud mum, Jules.
    Loved seeing the latest photo of Lily looking out over Keswick and Derwentwater. She is so grown up now. Where have the years gone?
    Hope the foot is feeling better too. Have a good week both of you x

    1. The Herdies were just gorgeous. I would love to go back and see them again.
      Unfortunately, the foot issue is ongoing. I have another hospital appointment pending, but I think it will be something that I will just need to try and manage in future. Xx

  13. Smashing Lake District photos.

  14. Your half term sounds fabulous and the weather was also great, judging by your photos. The photo tradition you started is wonderful. Lily and you will both love looking back at those! Have a lovely week x

  15. What glorious photos, Jules! You had a wonderful half term by the looks of things and I can't believe it's been a year since you last took a photo of Lily in the same spot.
    I'm so sorry to read your comment on my blog about you having Covid, I hope you're not feeling too poorly and that you're back to normal good health very soon. xxx

    1. I'm feeling a lot better today, thank you Vix. I've just been feeling like I had a bad cold. Xx

  16. All of your photos are simply gorgeous! It looks as if you and Lily had a wonderful half term. I love the photo of Lily. Her long hair is gorgeous! And I just read the above comment and I'm sorry to hear you've been unwell. I do hope you are feeling better very soon.

    1. Thank you, Julia. We were lucky with the weather during the second half of the week.
      I'm feeling a lot better now, just a little tired. Xx

  17. Oh Jules, my heart skipped a beat when I tried to comment and the message came up that your blog was no more - what a very welcome surprise to see your comment on my blog with a new URL! Many bloggers become weary...and I really do understand. So many of the ones I learned much from no longer blog, and I miss their words of wisdom. However, I am thrilled to see you here - yay, my link to the Yorkshire Dales! Where to begin? Trust me, I zoomed in on the Farm For Sale sign...sigh, a dream. As always, I am taken aback by the lovely the scenery and that you and Lily experience so many beautiful places in nature...what wonderful, lasting memories you're making. Truly, you're a good example of putting priorities in place...thanks for inspiring me across the many miles.

    1. I'm sorry, Mary. I'm trying to remember to let everyone know, whenever I comment on their blogs. Please forgive me :)
      Ah yes! I loved the the sign as well. Mr W Heelis was married to a certain Miss Potter.
      Also, I hope I haven't misled you, but I live in Cumbria, not Yorkshire. But both are incredibly beautiful counties. Xx

  18. For some reason in my later years in The Lakes I walked up Skiddaw and Blencathra more than any other mountain. I would sit on the top and watch the ravens cavorting below me. They seemed to love playing on the thermals. So I really enjoyed this post taking me back to views I've not seen for decades and will probably only experience through your blog in the future.

    PS The link to the previous picture of Lily doesn't work because it's to the old URL.

    1. The views are stunning from both summits, but I especially love Skiddaw, and the approach from Carl Side.
      Thank you for pointing that out, Graham. It should work now. Xx

  19. Amazing views of the countryside and what a great idea to photograph Lily in the same place each year I'm sure she'll value those in years to come.
