Sunday 14 July 2024

The Garden in July

It was never my intention to be away for so long. I had anticipated these last few weeks would be busy, but what I hadn't realised was just how busy they would be. I've hardly stopped. Now, I know the term 'busy' often gets thrown around these days, almost like a badge of honour. As though the busier our lives are, the more successful we are. But this is most definitely not the case, and I am looking forward to enjoying less hurried days, when autumn term begins again in September. Since the start of the year, it feels like I have been clinging on day by day. It's been quite a challenge, but I've always known the end was in sight. And the end will be this Friday, the culmination of the school summer term, and Lily's final day at primary school. It will definitely feel bittersweet, it's been a wonderful journey, and one which I have been fortunate enough to be a part of for all these years. Most recently, there's been school performances, transition days, and the purchase of a whole new school uniform, including a blazer! My little girl is growing up.

Since my last post, summer has arrived, but unfortunately the weather didn't seem to get the memo. I've never known it to be so miserable in July. Whenever there has been a dry spell, I've spent whatever spare time I have had, getting some work done in the garden. It's only very small, but I do like to try and make the most of the available space. I had hoped to get a new gate and fence fitted this year, just to make it a little more private and secure, but I havent managed to get hold of anyone yet. Oh well, I guess I'll just keep on trying.

Anyway, to ease me back into regular posting, I thought I would start by sharing some photographs of the garden, that I've taken over the last few weeks. 

The beautiful Acer was a gift from a good friend. I've always loved Acers, but for some reason, I've never thought to have one in my garden. I'm really happy with it, but I should probably get it re-potted soon. 

The lockdown lemon trees are growing well. I needed to cut them back, as they had become a little top-heavy, but if you zoom in, you can probably see that there are some new shoots growing already. I'm hoping that I might see some fruit growing in the next couple of years. 

The blackcurrants have since been turned into delicious jam. There was a much smaller harvest this year, as this tree had also been a victim of my secateurs. 

I was thrilled to win this planter in a raffle. The sweet peas are flowering now, and I've picked some to put in a vase on my kitchen windowsill. 

Hydrangeas providing a lovely burst of colour. 

This year, the garden will hopefully be providing us with some potatoes and beetroot, both of which appear to be growing well. We are also attempting to  grow our own pumpkins. 

And, of course, keeping an eye on everything, I've always got my two little 'helpers'.

Back soon.

J. X


  1. You are so right about 'busy' being considered a badge of honour. These days, I prefer to think of it as a war wound.
    I aim for days when all of the tasks which fall to me and cannot be avoided are completed by 10.00am. That's how I measure success these days (and I confess I do get up very early) but of course I do not always succeed 😁

    Your garden is looking wonderful, we may be having an absolutely driech summer but the cool and damp is definitely encouraging a great deal of green & growth.

    1. Grr, bloomin’ technology. Sorry Jules - that was me, did not notice I was not signed in, J xx

    2. Thank you, Jayne. I am looking forward to the coming weeks, when I have the opportunity to be a lot less busy. The garden hasn't received as much care as I would have liked, recently. but it's not looking too shabby, considering. I've repositioned some of the plants and now I'm in the process of cutting back the large hedge. I'm going to need my stepladder. Xx

  2. Your garden is looking lovely! Look at those lemon plants! They are thriving! I hope that you have a less busy, more relaxed rest of the summer and Lily has an easy transition to the new school when the time comes. Loved seeing the pictures of your "helpers"! :)

    1. The lemon plants seem to be doing really well. And they've had so many new shoots appear, where I cut them back.
      The 'helpers' are more decorative than useful :)

  3. It all looks wonderful!
    'Busy' is overrated, I reckon. I am so glad those days are behind me nowadays. xx

    1. Thank you, Joy. It would have been lovely to get the gate sorted in time for summer, but I will keep trying. X

  4. Your garden is looking very verdant. One good thing about the rain. Beautiful acer. We have a few in pots and they seem to do well. Great for autumn colour. Enjoy the next few peaceful weeks. B x

    1. Thank you, Barbara. The Acer is so lovely, and I was really touched by the thoughtful gift. My problem is finding a large pot for it. I've looked in several different stores now, but they've all sold out. X

  5. Your garden is full of colour, loved seeing you two helpers, I miss my pair so much.

    1. You must miss them terribly, Marlene. Mine are a nuisance at times, but I'd feel lost without them. Xx

  6. I think there's good busy and bad busy, good busy is when I'm filling my days with things I enjoy, bad busy is when the jobs have piled up and I can't leave them any longer! I remember those last weeks of the school year, so many things to fit in before the end of term and that was just as a parent, it must be tenfold when you work in a school. Your garden seems to be enjoying the cooler temperatures and rain we've been having, it all looks to be doing so well, and your two little helpers seem to be enjoying their time out there.

    1. Thankfully, it is all good busy, there's just so much of it :) It will come as a shock on Saturday morning, when there's no hurry for me to get out of the front door. I'm looking forward to spending the coming weeks in a more relaxed manner, although I need to do some serious decluttering and some decorating. X

  7. Your garden is looking lovely, Julie. The Acer is such a pretty colour and your blackcurrant photo reminds me that mine need picking. It's on my 'to do' list for today.
    I love your garden companions keeping a watchful eye on proceedings.
    Wishing both you and Lily a good week and then a restful and enjoyable time together.

    1. Thank you, Beverley. It's nice to finally see some colour in the garden, we just haven't had much warm weather and sunshine, this year. And now it won't be long until everything is going over and we're heading towards autumn. Hopefully, August will see us experiencing some better weather. X

  8. I love your garden. So colorful!
    Is Lily excited about her new school uniform?

    1. Thank you, Nil. Yes, she's very excited just now, although I'm sure the novelty will wear off, when she's having to put a tie on each day :)

  9. Lily is growing up so fast. It will be fab for you to spend summer together, I am sure you will have some adventures planned! X

  10. Hi Jules, it's great to see your blog post. Your Summer-garden photos are lovely, and your lemon trees look very healthy. I hope that you get some time to enjoy yourself now that your busy time is near to an end. Hugs, Rose x

    1. Hi Rose. For some reason your posts are not showing on my feed. I've tried unfollowing, then following again to see if that helps. Thank you. I'm looking forward to some time at home. Xx

  11. I can well imagine how busy your life must be and I know how much you will enjoy the summer break.Your garden is looking lovely and so nice to see your two little helpers xx

    1. Thank you, Eileen. It will be lovely to take things slowly for a while. Xx

  12. Your garden is looking very nice with plenty of summer colour.
    Love your two kitties keeping watch :)

    Wishing you a happy summer break.

    All the best Jan

  13. Ah lovely kitties. Yes the weather has been just awful, drizzle, drizzle and then a bit of proper rain. Your garden looks lovely x

    1. Thank you, Sarah. It looks like the weather will finally be improving this week. Xx

  14. Hi Jules. Your garden is beautiful and so lush. Your hydrangeas are such a gorgeous shade of pink. I hope you and Lily are having a wonderful summer together!

    1. The hydrangea gives a lovely colour to the garden. It was given to me after the first lockdown, when garden centres wanted to get rid of their plants. Xx

  15. Your garden is lovely Jules, I think gardening is the only thing that's been keeping me sane just recently, pity about the weather though. I love Acers too I have one similar to yours living quite happily in a pot in the corner of my garden. I hope you have a lovely Summer break. xx

    1. Thank you, Linda. I still haven't managed to find a pot for the Acer. I might just have to improvise :)

  16. Everything looks great – you’ve worked hard! You’re so right, sometimes it does seem to be a competition on who can be the busiest - somedays are just like that…but you seem to enjoy the downtime when it comes your way filling it with exploring and memory making. And I know the changes are so hard - those early years fly by incredibly fast. I still get teary, I am not a fan of change! I’ll have to keep checking back for your posts - for some reason since you updated now you’re appearing at the bottom of my reading list with no post date - ahhh, a technology glitch somewhere.

    1. I fully intend to enjoy this 'downtime', but the trouble is that I also have lots that I need to fit in to these coming weeks. I'm sure I will manage to find a balance, somehow, as September will be here before we know it.
      My apologies, Mary, maybe I forgot to mention, I have a new URL for my blog. If you unfollow, then follow with my new web address, it should start to appear again. Xx
