Sunday 12 May 2024


I didn't sleep well on Friday night. I'd had another busy week at work, and for one reason or another, my mind simply refused to switch off. I do have a lot going on in the background just now I suppose, and there's also Lily's SATs coming up this week, which even though I am not too concerned about, I am worried that she might be. On top of all of that, I am thinking about all the activities going on at school, between now and the end of term. July will be here before we know it, and a lot of changes lay ahead for us both. Then there's also the small matter of Lily's birthday, this month, but I think that's all in hand now.

Even after a restless night, I still managed to wake early. The promise of  glorious sunny day usually has that affect on me. And I quite like to walk out into the garden first thing in a morning, and check on the plants. I don't really know why, as it isn't as if they've grown suddenly overnight, but it's something I've always enjoyed doing. When I got home from work on Friday, I'd weeded the raised bed, thinned out the beetroot seedlings and cut the grass, so it felt rather satisfying to see the results of my hard work. 

The potatoes look to be growing quickly, so I'll need to remove their protective netting very soon. The beetroot seedlings are coming along nicely, but I'm unsure as to what happened to the carrots. After showing signs of life, they simply disappeared. Not to worry, I've used the empty space to plant some pumpkins instead. The apple trees continue to thrive, so they might need repotting later in the year. And the lemon trees have finally been moved outdoors, where they will stay until the weather turns cooler once again. I've pruned them, just a little, as the branches had become a little overcrowded. They still haven't flowered, but I'm hopeful that they might next year.

Another r reason I wanted an early start to my day, was so that we could go for a walk. I have been so focused on running recently, that my walking boots have been, sadly, neglected. Seeing as we've been out of practice, and with Lily's tennis lesson starting at one o'clock, I knew we couldn't be out for very long, so I chose an old favourite, Silver How. This was one of Lily's very first ever fell walks, and it isn't very high, but has some lovely views.

I hadn't  realised just how much I'd missed being up on the fells. While I'm running, my mind works overtime, going over things I need to do, shopping lists, work, the mental load of running a home. But when I'm out walking, I'm more concerned about what I can see, which fells I am looking at, and more often than not, which is the best route around the bog :)

The weather was gorgeous, yesterday. Not too warm, no chance of rain and barely a breath of wind. We took the lane out of Grasmere, then turned up a small, steep track which led away from the lake, and very soon onto the fell side. It was incredibly quiet, then all at once we heard a cuckoo. It's always a delightful sound, but especially as it's the first I've heard this year. 

We went the long way round towards the summit, avoiding the steep climb and enjoying a more gentle approach. For a long time it was as though we had the fell to ourselves, but we soon got chatting to a lovely lady, who arrived at the summit shortly after we did. We only passed a group of three fell runners on our way up, but as we headed back down towards the village, it was quite obvious that it would be getting much busier as the day went on.

We  took the slightly indirect route back into the village, just so that we could cross the stepping stones over Easedale Beck. Then, of course, no visit to Grasmere would be complete without a visit to the Gingerbread Shop. I bought a pack of six slices, and a bag of coffee. 

Today isn't going to be quite as enjoyable. Ì have a list of chores to work through, I need to do the weekly shop, then it's back to work again tomorrow.

At least the forecast is looking good again for next weekend. 

J. X


  1. Those views must work wonders at calming the mind, just beautiful. How I wish we lived close enough to pop for some Grasmere Gingerbread, a delicious treat.

    1. I do love Grasmere Gingerbread. I like to treat myself to some every now and then, but there is often a long queue outside the little shop, and I'm not patient enough to wait in line :)

  2. The weather is gorgeous, and long may it continue, I'm glad you're able to switch off on your fell walks they always look delightful ooh and a stop off at the Gingerbread Shop what could be better. You garden is looking very organised, your hard work will certainly pay off.

    1. The raised bed is only small, so I plant things carefully to make the most of the available space. Yes, I do hope this warm weather will last. Xx

  3. Thank you Jules...your photos have injected a little happiness into my heart and I wasn't even there! I hate it when the brain just refuses to stop whirring around. Hope things settle to more manageable proportions soon. xx

    1. I'm very happy to hear that, Jackie.
      Yes, I have a busy brain, so it can be a real challenge to switch off at times. Walking seems to do the trick, however, although I not sure that my life will ever be in manageable proportions :D

  4. The weather has certainly been so much better recently, so nice to be out in sunshine :)

    Your photographs are all so lovely.
    I especially like the stepping stones one and of course Grasmere Gingerbread.

    I hope Lily's SATS go well.
    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you, Jan. After a long, wet winter, the brighter weather is proving to be quite the tonic. Xx

  5. Lovely scenery as always and I remember seeing that gingerbread house from previous posts! Your garden is looking very neat and I hope your lemon trees will get some flowers, soon! You do have a lot coming up, but, I'm sure you'll get everything organized just so. Good luck to Lily on her SATs.

    1. The Gingerbread shop is really tiny inside, and can only accommodate two or three customers at a time, but it smells amazing.
      I keep checking on the lemon trees :)

  6. Silver How looks beautiful. :) Hopefully planning on a Wainwright next wknd. Thinking Glenridding Dodd. Can't remember if you have done that one or not. X

    1. It's a really lovely walk up Silver How, and it's one of my favourite small fells.
      Glenridding Dodd has some amazing views across Ullswater. The walk is very steep up from Glenridding, but it's a lovely (and less exhausting) climb from the small parking layby near Mossdale Beck. Xx

  7. Being back on the hills sounds lovely. The weather was great for it, too. Have a good week at work and home and let's keep our fingers crossed for another gorgeous weekend Cx

    1. Yes, I don't mind if it rains all week, as long as I can enjoy some sunshine over the weekend. Xx

  8. Looks like an idyllic walk!
    My grandson is also doing his SATs!
    I actually did the first SATs with my class of 7 yr olds, many years ago. I’m very much against it! Mind you, it wasn’t as bad in those days as we didn’t spend weeks beforehand, practising for SATS.
    I hope that Lily gets through it all ok…and that she enjoys her birthday!
    Have a good week! Sal😁

    1. Thank you, Sal. Her first day of SATs went okay. Just three more days to go. Xx

  9. My mind works like that some nights and it seems to be filled with so much stuff. Somewhere in there is a little voice trying to say "it can wait" but it needs to shout a bit louder to be heard above the rest of my thoughts. Grasmere gingerbread is delicious and very satisfying after a lovely walk in the sunshine. Your potatoes are growing well and I like the covers you have for your plants. I might invest in some for our garden. Have a good week.

    1. It's so frustrating, isn't it. I do wish I could find it easier to switch off at times.
      I found the net covers on Amazon, and I'm really impressed with them. There were two in a pack, and they were quite inexpensive. Xx

  10. What gorgeous views! I feel more calm just looking at them. Glad you had some nice weather to get out and enjoy. My daughter is also preparing for finals next week. She's a little nervous, but I continue to encourage her. I know she will do well. She's a very hard worker when it comes to school. I know Lily will do well, as well. I often have a difficult time winding my mind down at night to fall asleep. It can be frustrating. Reading before bed seems to help. The Gingerbread Shop looks dreamy and I imagine it smells heavenly! Have a great week.

    1. I hope your daughter's exams went well. I am just relieved that Lily didn't find hers too stressful.
      I haven't been reading much lately, so I will try that tonight. Thank you, Julia. X

  11. I was so enjoying your walk and then The Stepping Stones!! I'd forgotten about them because It's so long since I was there. Having said that it was one of the last Lake District walks that I did with my Brother long after our hiking days together were over.

    1. Many visitors are not aware of these stepping stones, as they are hidden away at the bottom of a field. The walk was very enjoyable. A delightful reintroduction to the fells. Xx

  12. Gah! I hate those nights of broken sleep which seem to be occurring the older I get, the most trivial thing keeps whirring around my head until it feels like a huge issue.
    Your photos are beautiful. I'm glad the weather's been kind to you. I love Grasmere Gingerbread! xxx

    1. It feels quite reassuring to find out that it isn't just a problem for me :) I would love to have the ability to switch off completely from time to time. X

  13. What a lovely walk to ease you back into things. Is Lily still enjoying fell walks or is impending teenager-hood altering her perception of what is fun?

  14. I have always found walking to be restorative and I appreciate it even so more these days - recently I came across a Latin phrase which I have written up in the glasshouse at work as so many of our volunteers also benefit from 'getting out' and it is ... Solvitur Ambulando which translates to 'it is solved by walking'. And as for busy brain at 3am - I have one of those too!

    1. It would seem that there are quite a number of us with busy brains :)

  15. Hello, my friend. What a wonderful walk for the two of you. I am always so glad you share the beautiful photos. And I know about those nights when your mind overrules your body. I hope you are getting some snuggly sleep in now.

    1. Thank you, Billie Jo. The inability to switch off can be so frustrating, can't it. I would love to find the secret to total relaxation. Xx

  16. Yum, gingerbread! I bet you'll feel energized and accomplished once the chores are done. Best wishes to Lily on the SAT's.

    1. The gingerbread is really delicious, Stephenie. Xx

  17. That first photo is always how I imagine Yorkshire...I would be so happy to live out my days in a little cottage with that view. Sigh...I know it will never happen, but a girl can dream! I hope you're sleeping better...there are simply nights when our brains won't relax, turning over every worry, chore list, etc. that is in our thoughts. And I understand the concerns about the SAT's...the kids took that as well, although here, the ACT seems the more accepted of the two. She can take it more than once...which we found to be good. Once they knew what to expect, each time their scores improved. It looks as if your walks and a certainly a slice of gingerbread will ease the worries. I understand, sometimes what we need is to just get out in nature...fresh air, a gentle breeze, does wonders for clearing my cobwebs.

    1. I have been sleeping much better, thank you Mary. I often find it hard to switch off, when there is a lot on my mind. I am also incredibly busy at work, and I am finding the long days, as well as running the home, so very tiring just now.
      Some time outdoors was just what I needed. Xx

  18. Beautiful scenery. I like to walk out into the garden first thing, it brings joy to my heart to see the growth.

    1. It's so peaceful in the garden, early in the morning. X

  19. I can tell how much you love it Jules, I'm glad you find it calming too. It must be lovely to have such beauty on your doorstep. I love living near the coast but we rarely visit the beach nearby. I think my favourite will always be the forest walks. At the moment, due to my parents moving back to Hampshire, we need to plan a visit down that way twice a year. When we've moved onto the next chapter of our lives, we'll head back to the Lakes again. Cx

    1. I feel very fortunate to live where I do. My dad often use to remind me me of what a beautiful part of the world it is, and he was right. Xx
