Thursday 2 May 2024

In and Out the Dusty Bluebells


Does anyone else have that song going through their heads whenever they see bluebells? I am reminded of the game, which usually started off well, but nearly always ended in chaos, as children got tangled up, beneath the 'arches'.

Since returning from London, last week, I've hardly stopped. On the Monday after the marathon, my train pulled in at the station at 12.35, then I began work for the afternoon at 1.15. Perhaps it wasn't the best approach to my recovery, but it was an unavoidable one. Thankfully, having kept moving, it meant that my legs didn't have the opportunity to seize up or feel too achy. But I did experience moments during the week when I would feel extremely tired, although that was understandable under the circumstances. I did say, 'Never again', and yet for some unknown reason, I found myself entering the ballot for next year's marathon :)

By the time the weekend arrived I felt depleted, but there were still the usual household chores that needed my attention and some coursework which needed to be submitted. Once this was finally out of the way, I was able to take a little time to recharge, with a walk to the bluebell woods. Having previously thinking that I might have missed my opportunity this year, it was such a delight to leave the main pathway and walk up the steep track to be greeted with the now familiar, yet still breath taking sight before me. Beneath the trees, was a carpet of blue, and the dappled sunlight only highlighted how beautiful they were. 

I love that Lily will still indulge me by tagging along for these walks. Even if these days it comes with a side order of eye rolling. She soon perked up, however, when we discovered a rope swing tied to one of the tree branches; thankfully there are some things we never grow tired of. We spent just over an hour in the woods, and we were lucky enough to have them all to ourselves. Not many people are aware of the bluebells there, as they are not very easy to see from the main footpath. 

I don't wish to speak too soon, but this week there has been a great improvement in the weather. The grass is finally beginning to dry out, after what has been an incredibly wet winter, and the garden is looking so much better for having seen several days of sunshine. The vegetable seeds are beginning to sprout and the lemon trees might even need to be re-potted again soon. They are growing fast. 
I've replaced the solar lights on the shed, and it has been lovely to see them from the kitchen window after sunset. Then, after I decided that some other lights, which I placed in the flower bed, were a waste of money, as they weren't working. I actually discovered an on/off switch, hidden away beneath the bulbs. I will now have to wait and see if they come on tonight :)

J. X


  1. You spoke too soon, after two sunny warm days it's raining again here along the south coast.

    1. Nooo! I hope the sunshine returned in time for the weekend. Xx

  2. I don't know the song but remember as a child I would pick bluebells to take home for my mother. Beautiful photos of the bluebells in the wood. I'm sure it's the right thing to do to run the London marathon again next year now you've done this time xx

    1. I will have to wait and see, as getting a place in marathon is more of a challenge than running it. Xx

  3. These bluebell patches are wonderful! I envy you for this beautiful bluebell walk as I know there is nothing quite like this around here. But seeing your photos lifted my spirits, so thank you. Lovely weather in Glasgow today, I can almost feel the vitamin D being manufactured in my skin. I am so glad your legs are feeling ok and I hope that your energy levels will replenish quickly after running 42 km. I needed to type this out, 42 km. Pure amazing as we say here in Glasgow xx

    1. Thank you, Christina. Lily just sighed when I suggested we went to see the bluebells. But she still came along, and I'm pretty sure she enjoyed our time there.
      I know! I'm still not sure how I managed to run that distance. Later this morning, I'm going out for my first run since the marathon. It will be a steady one. Xx

  4. Those bluebells look beautiful, I do need to find a bluebell wood for a walk. Last year I went to flakebridge and the bluebell woods there are stunning too.

    1. I hope you get to one very soon, as I don't think they will be in flower for much longer. I keep meaning to visit the Rannerdale bluebells - maybe next year. X

  5. Beautiful photographs ... how lovely to enjoy a walk through the bluebell woods.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you, Jan. It's something I love to do each year. X

  6. I'm not familiar with the song, but, those photos of the bluebells in the woods are lovely! I'm glad that Lily still accompanies you on those walks. :)

    1. It is a long time since I've heard that song in the playground. We used to play the game a lot, when I was at school. X

  7. Lovely to see real bluebells in your corner. We only seem to have the Spanish ones. Glad you are recovering well from your amazing run. B x

    1. The colour of the Spanish Bluebells is much more vibrant. They are both very beautiful flowers. X

  8. Yes, I remember the song and the game we would play in the playground. Bluebell woods never fail to take my breath away, such a beautiful sight, you've captured the magic so well in your photos.

    1. Yay! I'm glad it isn't just me. Although I haven't heard it sung for many years now. X

  9. I used to teach my class that every year as part of a history topic and we would perform it ion Family Assembly too. I'd then see them playing it at playtime too which was very satisfying. xx

    1. It was always a popular game when I was at school. X

  10. Oh my, thank you so much for these bluebell photos. I have only seen bluebells like that ONCE in my life. (I am American but my English in-laws lived in Eastbourne.) We visited once in May and my father-in-law was very excited to take me to see the bluebells. I was more excited to see them. I have a photo of myself on my blog in amongst the bluebells. They had a sign at the beginning of the walk, "At Their Peak". How lucky was I?

    1. Welcome Kay, and thank you for your comment. I've seen the beautiful photograph you mention. You were lucky to visit at just the right time, as bluebells don't stay in flower for very long. Xx

  11. Hello, my friend! Your photos depict the beauty of your walk so well, I feel as if I am right there. It is indeed a happy time when our children share those special times, no matter how old they get. Enjoy, and have a cozy weekend.

    1. Thank you, Billie Jo. I had to delete quite a few photographs, as I always take far too many. Xx

  12. These are glorious pictures of the bluebells! I must make a trip to my local woods to see them- if I wasn't going elsewhere tomorrow, I'd go after church as it's on the way home!
    I teach that song to my year 1's every year as part of my Toys, Games and Pastimes topic and they really enjoy it! I wish they'd play it in the playground more!

    1. I am lucky that these woods so close to home. After a busy few weeks, a walk there was the perfect way to relax and unwind. Xx

  13. The bluebells are favorite color, and one we rarely see in a flower or I'd fill my garden with them. It sounds like just the perfect walk after busy, busy days...and it's calming for both of you, those school exams can be worrisome. Thanks for sharing the photos with all of us...honestly, it makes me want to take a walk in the woods, but alas, it's tick season here, and I just cringe at the thought of them!

    1. Bluebells are so beautiful in the woods, at this time of year.
      Ticks are a nuisance. We always need to check ourselves thoroughly after our walks. Xx

  14. Not surprised you were a bit tired when you got back :-} Glad you got to enjoy the bluebells in the sun - it's damp, driech and grey here and has been all weekend.

    1. The weather is the same here. I'm not too bothered, as it's a good reason for me to relax and do very little. I might go out for a short walk later. Xx

  15. A wonderful treat to enjoy all those bluebells. They are stunning and your photos captured the moment perfectly. The weather here is much warmer although there are still showers at times and everything is growing in the garden now. I do remember the rhyme and playing the game as a child. Happy memories.
    Have a good week x

    1. It is a long time since I've heard the song, but I'm always reminded of it whenever I see bluebells in flower. Xx

  16. Hi Jules. The bluebells are absolutely gorgeous! I'm glad to hear the weather has improved for you. We've had so much rain here the past four days that we really need a streak of sunny, warm days to dry everything out. Bring on summer - I'm so ready!

    1. You and me both, Julia! It's forecast to be warm and sunny here, this weekend. Xx

  17. Wow! Those bluebells are absolutely gorgeous, thank you for sharing your photos x

    1. It's just a shame they don't last for very long. Xx
