Thursday, 13 February 2025

Soup and Snowdrops

The days are lengthening, but there is no doubt that we are still in winter's grasp. It has felt bitterly cold here, this week, and it hasn't helped in that I'm sure I've been fending off some sort of a virus. It's hard to tell, as at this time of year my shoulders always ache from holding myself tense, and from being hunched up against whatever the weather sends this way. I assume it's going to freeze again tonight, as I noticed the gritters driving past, while I was working earlier.  Not to worry, spring will soon be here. At least, that's what I keep reminding myself. 

But it is true. I've seen the signs. We went for a gentle stroll through the woods at the weekend, and we found some wild garlic. We'll go back again and pick some in a few week's time, as I've promised Lily we will use some to make our own garlic bread.

And the snowdrops there looked so lovely, beneath the trees. Not huge swathes of these delicate white flowers, like you find in some places, but pretty all the same. And we've watched as they've grown in number over the last few years. Establishing themselves and creating a beautiful woodland display, close to the pond.

And I realise I say this far too often, but it also felt so good to get outdoors. It feels as though I've hardly stopped for breath lately. Weekends seem to be spent catching up with housework and preparing ahead for the working week, where once again, I've seen another adjustment to my hours. It isn't really sustainable for me, but I've been reassured that these additional hours will be only temporary, and I am, at least, gaining some new skills. I am happy to continue like this for the time being, but if it is to become a more permanent change, then something will have to give elsewhere. In other news, I completed my latest coursework, and made my final submission last week. I have since been advised that I've met the assessment requirements and passed the course. Yay! 

One of the upsides of working these extra hours, is that I've had to be more organised during the week, which means I've been much more strict about meal planning and batch cooking. Knowing in advance just what we'll be eating has been much less stressful for me, and it also means I've avoided the need to call in at the supermarket on my way home from work each day, saving valuable time. This isn't a new concept for me, but I do have a habit of letting things slide every now and again, when life gets a little more hectic than usual. 

Since I've needed to significantly reduce my bread intake, instead of sandwiches, I've been relying on warming and nutritious soups to see me through each day. I cook up a large panful every weekend, then portion it up, ready to heat through for my lunches during the week. I've mentioned this before and I've had a few requests for a recipe, so I'll probably add this one to the side bar. It will also make it easier for me to refer to as well. I am a huge fan of all kinds of vegetable soups but have two favourite go-to recipes, and this is the one I'm enjoying this week.

Tomato, Red Pepper and Lentil Soup

2 carrots 

1 red onion

1 red pepper

2 tins chopped tomatoes

180g red lentils

1 tablespoon tomato puree 

1l vegetable stock

A large sprinkling of garlic granules

Melt some butter in a large pan and gently cook the diced onion, carrot and pepper until soft. Add the remaining ingredients, season with salt and pepper, and simmer for 30 minutes. Then blend until smooth. This makes approximately 6 portions.

Let me know if you try it.

Back soon.

J. X



  1. Congratulations on passing your course, I bet you are pleased that’s done. I have all the ingredients for the soup in my cupboard. I shall give it a go today. Anything to bring a cheer to a miserable February grey day. Love the snowdrops. B x

    1. Thank you, Barbara. I'm pleased and relieved in equal measure. When I first started the course, I didn't have as much going on in the background as I do now, so it wasn't easy finding the time to complete my final assignment.
      I hope you enjoy the soup as much as I do. Xx

  2. We are huge fans of lentil soups, so will definitely give this one a go this weekend - keep warm and keep being gentle on yourself and as you have said - spring is on her way x

    1. I hope you enjoy it, Kate. I always look forward to opening my flask of hot soup every day. Xx

  3. Your soup looks full of taste and freshness, home made soup is the best. Love your photo's of the snowdrops, they are beautiful flowers.

    1. It is really delicious, Marlene. And I must admit, I'm really not a fan of tinned soup. X

  4. The snowdrops are so beautiful!
    Congratulations passing your course! Well done!
    The extra hours at work must be hard, but, you sound like you are well organized to handle it. Your soup sounds tasty; I will have to reduce the amount of bell pepper if I make the soup as they tend to cause gastric discomfort when I have them.
    I hope that spring arrives soon in your corner of the world and you and Lily will have many more wonderful walks in the woods.

    1. Thank you, Bless. My course was really interesting, but it is a relief to have it out of the way, with everything else that I've got going on at the moment.
      The extra hours at work mean that I'm having to be super organised, and so far, it's going okay. Fortunately, I'm off next week, so I'm going to try and find time to relax, although there will always be something that needs to be done. Xx

  5. Congratulations on passing your course. It's so good to see the results of your hard work paid off. Is that your studies now complete or is there more work ahead? I'm loving seeing all the snowdrops just now, I like to think that spring can't be far away with bulbs pushing their way through the soil and the daylight lengthening but you're right, we're still in the grip of winter, it's freezing out there!

    1. Thank you, Jo. That's me done, for now, at least. I've got such a lot going on at the moment, that I wouldn't have the time to focus on anything new.
      Yes, spring isn't far away, and it's lovely to see signs of new life, even if it is still incredibly cold :)

  6. Just keep on keeping on Jules…it’ll be Summer before you know it! Well done on passing your assessments. Xx

    1. Ahhhh, summer! I can't wait to feel the warmth of the sun on my face. Xx

  7. Congrats on passing your course Jules! What an amazing feeling that must be. :) I love the snowdrops - they're so pretty. We don't really get them here - daffodils are our big early Spring flower. Sadly we're several months from those yet. So I'll live through your lovely early Spring sightings. That soup sounds amazing! I'm copying it down right now. Thanks for sharing. Stay cozy and blessings to you. xoxo

    1. Thank you, Carrie. It feels like a huge relief. I always try to attain some sort of knowledge based qualification each year. The courses are usually really interesting and, of course, it always looks good at appraisal time :)
      I'm now using my gorgeous new planner. I love it so much! Thank you, Carrie. It contains some beautiful images and designs. It gives me a real lift when I check it each morning. Xx

  8. Congratulations on passing your course Jules, have you finished your studies now or have you more to do? Your soup sounds delicious, sadly I can't have lots of fibre so would replace the tomatoes with pasatta (no skins, no seeds), peppers - no skins and less lentils. I will try it soon, thank you.
    When I had to avoid bread, I used to cook enough rice (or rice pasta from health stores) for 2 days, chill and store in fridge. Then put half the rice in a covered bowl with anything that you'd put in a sandwich eg ham, cheese, tuna etc with salad and either mayo or salad dressing or coleslaw. Cut up salad and protein and take a fork. Lunch ready to go.
    All the best as you juggle your new hours.
    Ps regards housework routine, I've settled on Flylady (Diane in Denmark Youtube) Morning Routine, Evening Routine and a Weekly Home Blessing. Anything else is a bonus. I do have to hoover daily, thanks to my fluffy Goldie Angus x

    1. Thank you, Cathy. I'm all finished for the time being. I might look at completing another course towards the end of the year, but I'll have to wait and see if I'll have any free time.
      And thank you for the tip. I'll be switching to rice and salads just as soon as the weather picks up, but for now I think I'll stick with eating something warm. I look forward to opening my little flask each lunchtime. It's still piping hot even when it's been over five hours since I've filled it. Xx

  9. Your lovely soup looks very similar to a lentil stew that I make. At this time of year it certainly is ‘just the ticket’ ! I also use the slow cooker, especially for stews, and I make plenty so that we can have a few meals…or I freeze it for a later date.
    Congratulations btw!

    1. Thank you, Sal.
      I look forward to enjoying my hot soup every lunchtime. It's great for warming me up, especially if I've been working outdoors. Unfortunately, my slow cooker isn't big enough for the quantity of soup I make, but it's quick and easy enough to do in my big pan. Xx

  10. Many congratulations on meeting the assessment requirements and passing your course ... well done (can you hear me clapping)

    Lovely to see the snowdrops and your soup looks and sounds delicious.

    Enjoy the coming weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. I wondered what that noise was ;) Thank you, Jan. Xx

  11. Well done for passing the course. That's great.
    I love that soup - in fact I have portions in the freezer at the moment. So delicious and so very healthy too. I cant remember the last time I bought a canned soup for myself.

    And those snowdrops - so heartachingly beautiful. xx

    1. Thank you, Joy.
      This is one of my favourite soups, and I love that it's so simple to make. X

  12. Well done, Jules! You clever thing, you!
    Those snowdrop photos are gorgeous and the soup looks and sounds delicious. I'm a bit of a freak in blogland as soup doesn't really do it for me but the lentils would make it more dhal-like (yum yum!) xxx

    1. Thank you, Vix :)
      Yes, you could always add some chilli flakes as well, to give it a bit of a kick. I like to keep the soup quite thick, as it needs to be filling. Xx

  13. Great that you have passed the course you were working on. Beautiful snowdrops and your soup looks so warming and tasty. Just what is needed in this cold weather, thank you for sharing the recipe:)

    1. Thank you, Rosie. I've just eaten some for my lunch :)

  14. Congratulations on your course work (and the hours of juggling all your other commitments and responsibilities to enable studying to happen).

    Snowdrops do seem particularly lovely this year.

    1. Thank you, Jayne. I've had enough of juggling recently, so I intend to give the studying a rest for a while now. Xx

  15. Well done for passing your course, Jules. Trying to juggle study, work and home life is very hard work so well done in your achievement. Time for a break now.
    Tomato, lentil and red peppers has to be a winning soup combination. I will be trying it soon. Thank you, Jules.

    1. Thank you, Beverley. It has been a bit of a juggling act, If I'm honest. And not one I intend to repeat any time soon :)

  16. First of all, congratulations on passing the course... relief and just nice :-))
    I love soups, especially now in winter.
    The snowdrops where you live are's really a reason to go out often to enjoy them.
    Thanks for the photos.
    Kind regards from Viola

    1. Thank you, Viola. The snowdrops are lovely, but I wouldn't mind some of your actual snow! Xx

  17. Well done Jules. That soup looks delicious and delightful. Great snowdrop photos too.

    1. The soup is one of my favourites, Dave. Especially as it's so simple to make. X

  18. The snowdrops look so pretty en mass, i've not seen many round our parts. Sorry you've not been feeling too good, hope you are on the mend and congrats on your passing your coursework. The soup sounds lovely, I might give that a go next week, I think I have everything needed to make it, as you say, it's handy to have in the freezer. We must have had it milder here in the Midlands, it's feel damp but not cold enough for frost.

    1. The milder weather has finally arrived up here, Maggie. For a couple of days at least. I'll be making some more soup this weekend, as I'm back at work on Monday. Xx

  19. The soup sounds terrific, thank you for sharing the recipe. I need to definitely plan meals ahead – I’m not sure why I struggle with that, but it would definitely cause less stress if I did - new plan for the year! I’m not sure if wild garlic grows in our woods, I’ll have to see if I can find it. I remember reading that wild garlic pesto is delicious - and garlic bread with some of your soup – perfect! Enjoy these days – even a short, brisk walk through the snow and the crisp cold air does a lot to lift our spirits.

    1. Thanks, Mary. The soup is such a quick and simple recipe - rather delicious, as well :)
      I really struggle if I don't meal plan. It makes the weekly shop much more straightforward, and as I don't get home from work until early evening, I have to prepare many meals in advance. Xx

  20. I know I've left several comments, but don't see them; so waving hi again as I make my blog rounds. Hope all is well with you.

    1. Waving 'Hi!' back at you. It's always lovely to hear from you, Sandy.
      I don't know where your comments could have got to, as I check my spam regularly. Xx

  21. Well done on passing the coursework. I bet it's a weight off your shoulders. Isn't homemade soup lovely. And you know that there are no nasty chemicals in there.

    1. Thank you, Cherie. It was a huge relief to complete the course, as I'm really short on time at the moment. Xx

  22. Well done on passing your course. Hope you've enjoyed a little sunshine and warmth since this post. The soup looks good. X

    1. Thanks, Shazza. I'm looking forward to preparing salads for my lunches, once the weather improves. But in the meantime, the soups are ready to eat, tasty, and nutritious. Xx
