Saturday, 30 November 2024

Cold, Sparkly Mornings

As we near December, the weather has turned much colder here. I'm still riding my bike to work, although I'm wearing more and more layers as winter approaches. I have to be careful. For the most part, the road is fairly free from frost and ice, but I'm often distracted by views like this.

I wanted to blog before tomorrow, as a few of you have asked if I will be posting daily throughout December, like I usually do. I'm sad to say that I won't be doing this year. As much as I enjoy it, I just have too much going on right now, and I won't have the opportunity. My good intentions of enjoying a quieter month are also quite unlikely, as I only have the weekends to be able to get Christmas 'sorted'. Posting daily would put far too much unnecessary pressure on myself, and for me that is not what blogging is about. 

It won't just be preparations, however, as I'm being very firm with myself, this year, and keeping things as stress free as possible. There are also a lot of other fun things happening, which I'm very excited about. Since I last posted I've made a start with gift buying, which seems to be a little bit easier this year, especially as I have fewer people to buy for. I've purchased a very inexpensive box of Christmas Crackers, simply because I liked the pattern, and nobody really bothers with the novelty gifts anyway. And a lovely work colleague has taken orders for Christmas Cakes. She is, I've been told, an excellent baker, so I don't have any need to spend time making one myself. Then I've sat myself down and made a list of what I'd really like this Christmas, which is to make a homemade door wreath, a trip to go ice skating, and enjoying a drink (or two) of my Winter Spice Vodka. Oh, and I mustn't forget the Baileys and Quality Street! Everything else will remain optional. Christmas Day will be a pared back affair. Not quite my ideal vegetable lasagne and red wine scenario, but certainly much more simple. Yikes, I almost forgot the After Eights!

On a more reassuring note, I've just been checking in my diary, and so far it is completely empty between Christmas Day and New Year. Completely empty! I'm sure that will change at some point, but I'm going to try and keep it that way for as long as possible. 

J. X


  1. I bet those sheep are glad of their woolly coats! It's dawned a little warmer here today, not much mind.

    1. I think you're right. That photograph was taken on an incredibly cold morning. I'm very grateful for my own woolly jumpers, in this weather. Xx

  2. I would be distracted too with those beautiful views. Your Christmas plans sound perfect. Paired back is the way to go. Enjoy. B x

    1. It doesn't take much for me to get distracted, Barbara. Whenever I'm out walking, I always have to remind myself to stop, before I admire the views :)

  3. Beautiful photos! I imagine it is difficult to concentrate on the road when you are cycling through such beautiful landscapes. Be careful! I am with you on the stress-free Christmas. I am pleased to say that I am also keeping things to a minimum, although I am going full on mad with the various strings of fairy lights I found in drawers and boxes during a recent clear-out. I love the thought of vegetable lasagne and wine for Christmas. Maybe one day? When I was growing up, we didn't have fancy Christmas dinners, sometimes a bowl of pasta. My mother denies that completely now, not sure why because it was fine. . Enjoy your spiced vodka and the ice skating! Happy weekending x

    1. When you're working, it can be tricky to find a balance at any time of the year, let alone during December, when there are so many things that need to be done, as well as events to attend. Thankfully, it looks like the next few weeks will be fairly busy, but the few days immediately before Christmas should be much quieter. Xx

  4. I love your plans for making Xmas more manageable, Jules. I hope that one day you'll manage your dream of veggie lasagne and glass of wine but in the meantime you're plans sound lovely and very doable. xxx

    1. I hope so, Vix. In the meantime, I'll settle for enjoying something very similar on Boxing Day. Xx

  5. I think you are being very wise to not get pressured into doing things like a daily blog post this holiday season and to simplify things. Focus on the important things and let other things go. I hope the month of December will be peaceful and serene.

    1. Thank you, Bless. It's lovely to look back on those memories, but it would be too much for me to do this year, under the circumstances. Xx

  6. Beautiful photographs ... I much prefer colder frosty days to wet and windy ones ... but we have to take what we are given! Stay safe on your bike though.

    I can't believe we are now in December, I wish you a good month ahead.

    All the best Jan

    1. We've enjoyed some incredibly beautiful mornings recently. The sun is usually just rising above the local fell, as I'm riding to work. Xx

  7. Hello, my friend. I think your idea for a calmer, quieter Christmas season is perfect. I join you in scaling back and instead finding pleasure in the things that bring me simple joy. Hugs on this chilly first of December!

    1. Thank you, Billie Jo. My quieter Christmas is borne from necessity, but that's not to say that it isn't a good thing. It will feel bitter sweet this year, as I can see many changes, moving forward. Xx

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks Dave. There have been some beautiful mornings, of late. Xx

  9. Beautiful views to distract you. It sounds as if you have things well in hand for the festive season and lots of things to look forward to:)

    1. It doesn't take a lot to distract me, Rosie, but the morning sunshine has been rather beautiful. Xx

  10. Hello Jules. What gorgeous views! I imagine it would be tough to concentrate with those views. It's hard to believe Christmas is only three weeks away. I still have more shopping to do. I find Charlotte's age (15) rather difficult to buy for. She's not a little kid so no more toys, but she's also not an adult. She likes jewelry and clothes, and she asked for a watercolor paint set. I hope you have a wonderful, peaceful December!

    1. December is going by quickly. Although I'm almost certain I've said that about every month this year. I don't know where the time goes.
      That in-between age can make gift buying a bit more of a challenge. Some watercolours sound perfect, and I'm sure Charlotte will get plenty of use out of them. Xx

  11. Oh brrr. a bike ride to work just sounds too chilly for me, but it would be invigorating! And oh that view...I can understand being distracted. It's lovely. We had 18F last night and with it came 50 mph winds. I was up at 4 am hearing trees creak and watching barn doors go back and forth...all is well, but winds that strong always make me anxious. You're doing exactly what you need to do...getting some gifts does help ease the stressful feeling, and creating a door wreath is a terrific, creative idea! No need to blog daily...focus on you, your family, and what makes you all happy this special time of year.

    1. It can get incredibly cold on the bike, at this time of year, but luckily I don't have very far to travel, Mary :)
      Thank you for your kind words. I'm realising, there is just no way I could have blogged daily this December, so I'm glad I made the decision not to, before it was made for me. My focus needs to be elsewhere just now. I am happy to just enjoy everyone else's posts. Xx

  12. Have you seen the new ice skating rink at Another Place on Ullswater? Looks fun and there are Christmas markets there too. Xx

    1. Ooooh! Yes, I have. It looks lovely, but it seems quite a bit smaller than the one we usually visit. I'll have to see, we might visit both! Xx

  13. I think as we get older we like things to be more simply, less chaos, less expensive and certainly more quiet. I think many people go overboard with what they think they must do and or must buy and or must make. They do so much they get stressed and enjoy the time less. I know we do less than we used to. We just don't see the need to be so busy all the time. Happy Holidays.

    1. I think you're right, Sandy. I also think more and more people are edging towards more simple celebrations these days. Mine is borne from necessity this year, but I will still be keeping things pared back, and hopefully a lot less stressful from now on. Xx

  14. That is a wise choice, Jules. It’s nice not to feel pressured or rushed. Your treats sound perfect. I am impressed that you are still riding your bike. Enjoy that Bailey’s!

    1. Thank you, Stephenie. I've not opened the Baileys, yet. Maybe when I finish work this week. Xx
