Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Staying Home

Thank you for all the lovely comments on my previous post. More than ever I appreciate the connection with everyone in this wonderful blogging community. Long may it continue.
With work and the usual school day on hold for the time being, life has taken a very different turn. I have been trying to keep to some sort of a routine, although this isn't always adhered to when I don't have any time constraints. It's a very strange feeling.

Most mornings we've completed around two hours of school work. This includes spelling practice, reading, writing and maths, followed by some topic work. It's surprising how much can be covered in a short space of time and it leaves our afternoons free to play in the garden and to go for a walk.

Now that the weather has improved, the garden is looking so much better. The grass has had it's first proper cut of the year and the soil has been dug over. Unfortunately, there's only so much work I can do until I can get to a garden centre, but Lily and I have managed to sow some sweet peas, spinach, tomatoes and sunflowers. There is still carrot and beetroot to go in, but this really should wait until I can get hold of some more netting to keep any cats off. I've also weeded and swept the driveway, no longer having the excuse of not having enough time. Until this last week I never knew how much I would come to value this outdoor space and, although it's lacking in colour at the moment, I'm just so grateful that Lily is able to play out, enjoy her swing and even ride her bike along the driveway.

The supermarket now appears to have most things in stock and on my last visit I was able to get everything we needed, even flour! The staff there are doing an amazing job and manage to keep smiling, even while working in very difficult circumstances, so I'm very grateful for  them. It's been a great comfort to me being able to bake once again and even more comfort in being able to eat the results. I've made Weetabix cake and some bread so far. 😁 There's a new cake recipe I want to have a try at baking this week but I need some oranges which I don't have in at the moment, so it will just have to wait until my next shop. I'm taking care to be more organised with my shopping lists and I know to add an extra carton of milk to the list in future, so that I can avoid having to go any more often than is absolutely necessary.

Most afternoons we've enjoyed a walk along the riverbank and not surprisingly it's a little busier than usual down there. Still, there is plenty of space for people to pass each other at a safe distance, although, with Lily often waving a stick around, we're usually given a wide berth anyway.
Stay well.
J. X


  1. Our gardens are our saviours, like you I've never been more grateful for our outside space and I shall never complain about sweeping up all those leaves ever again!
    It sounds like you're both adjusting to the new normal with a ggod balance of education and fun.
    Loving the look of your loaf. xxx

    1. I'll be sure to remind you of the leaf comment when autumn arrives :) X

  2. A heart-warming post. You're cake is unknown to me but it, for some inexplicable reason, reminded me of the walnut bread that my mum used to make and which I loved. I was just wondering what to order from my local garden centre when I saw that all the garden centres have closed. Ours has worked hard to go on line for 'essential supplies' such as composts and pet supplies. You can buy fruit trees too. However not seeds or food plants so far as I can tell. These are strange and troubling times. May you both stay strong and stay safe.

    1. Thank you, Graham, and it's good to know you're keeping safe and well on your island. I feel fortunate that I was able to get hold of some seeds before lockdown began, as it feels good being able to grow something we can eat, even if it will only be a small amount. I'm sad to think of the bedding and plug plants that will go to waste because of the store closures.
      The cake is really delicious and so simple to make. I'll put the recipe up later. X

    2. Hi Jules, you are so right - yesterday the Horticultural Trades Association reported that £687 million worth of plant sales will be lost by the end of June.

      Our local shops seem to have a good supply of seeds - if you need anything please email me.

    3. It seems so wasteful, although in the current situation I don't expect there's anything else they can do. Thank you, Jayne. You are always so thoughtful. X

  3. Glad to hear that you are both coping in these difficult times - it is all so strange isn't it?

    1. Thank you, Pat. These are very strange times but we are managing to keep ourselves busy. X

  4. We had a baking day yesterday. I'm lucky that I had plenty of ingredients in before the panic buying happened as haven't seen flour for weeks.
    Always lovely to see your photos.

    1. I have a small quantity of flour in the cupboard but I'm being careful not to use too much of it, although I do confess to having bought a packet of chocolate brownie mix in case of a real baking emergency. :)

  5. What a lovely post Jules, despite all the turmoil and worry you seem to be managing to show Lily a terrific amount of stability and normality, just make sure it does not all take too much toll on you.

    And yes, once again the fabulous blogging community we belong to is supporting, holding us up, providing laughs. Almost exactly a year ago some very special people in that group (you know who you are) held me up when Daisy died and I was close to collapsing myself. I hope I can pay it forward this time around and be a friend back to those who need it now. 💚🐾💕 💐

    1. Thank you, Jayne. As you have witnessed :) Lily is taking things in her stride at the moment and is quite happy with walks down by the river and being able to play in the garden. (Having read that back I realise the sentence reads like she's a dog!)
      It's lovely to see more blog posts than usual appearing on my feed right now, and to read how others are navigating their way through this difficult time. It's wonderful how we can all be there to support one another when it's needed. X

  6. Ooh that’s a really delicious looking loaf of bread. 😀

    I’m also very grateful to have a yard. One of my friends lives in a tiny apartment surrounded by buildings and she misses seeing greenery.

    Take care Jules.

    1. Thank you, Nil, it tasted even more delicious once it was toasted and spread with home made marmalade. X

  7. Good to know you're doing okay so far Jules and you can get the groceries and things you need The fruit loaf looks delicious and I love the photo of Mog :)

    1. I've been to the supermarket this morning. It was lovely and quiet and I was able to get everything I needed again, except for flour.
      Mog is clearly taking it all in her stride (nothing changes there) and appears to be spending much of her time sleeping on Lily's bed. X

  8. Wish I had a Lily and a stick!

    1. She's very good at keeping others at a safe distance :) I hope you're still managing to get to the prom. X

  9. Problem with baking (which I have also been doing) is it has to get eaten! My freezer is full of cookies, scones and bread.

    1. The problem I have with baking is that it's not the freezer but my tummy which is full of cake and bread! X

  10. Your bread and the cake look delicious! I'm glad you were able to stock up so you could bake, again. :) Love the photo of Mog sleeping so peacefully. It sounds like you and Lily are keeping busy and handling this change in daily routines very well. Glad to see that you have plans to plant a garden, again. I think that, this year, there will be many more of us planting gardens! Take care and stay safe and healthy!

    1. I've never been so grateful to have a garden as I have recently. Now that we need to stay home I can't imagine how it must feel for those not having any outdoor space. X

  11. It is wonderful to get out of the house and see a beautiful spring being born. I was been doing my walking daily and if I came across a person, I move to the other side of the road. I always make sure to smile and say hello. We all need that also.

    1. The arrival of spring is so beautiful to see, and I am appreciating it even more just now. I went for a walk through the fields this afternoon and came across some lambs who were definitely not social distancing :)

  12. How wonderful, Jules. I'm so glad that you were able to get everything that you needed at the store, especially flour. Baking is so comforting during these times. Your garden looks amazing! Everything is just teeming with life!

    1. I do enjoy baking and it's a comforting feeling being able to produce home made cakes and biscuits. X

  13. Thank you for such a lovely, positive post. Greatly appreciated.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's important to try and remain positive in these troubling times. X

  14. A really heartwarming post to read this morning Jules and I've enjoyed every one of your photos.Good to hear you are coping well in these very difficult times. How I love this blogging community and to think I turned my back on it, shame on me. You are all still here for me when I need you most, I have truly lovely friends.

    1. You didn't turn your back on it, Eileen, you just took a step back for a while as it was right thing for you at the time. I'm so pleased to see you are enjoying posting again. X

  15. It is so good to have a garden right now, like you I feel so blessed to have that outdoor space. I too am grateful to all the wonderful people who work in food shops who are continuing to go to work to enable us to buy the food we need. You are so right that seeing them smile makes the world of difference and makes the somewhat surreal and nerve wracking experience of shopping just that little bit easier.

    I am glad to hear that you have been able to get out for a walk, even that feels tinged with something akin to worry doesn't it. I really do not want to be confined to my house and garden all the time so I am grateful for being able to walk but it still feels like you have to be constantly vigilant for other people which doesn't feel quite right.

    You photos are lovely as always, thank you for you gentle, soothing writing, our blogs are such a wonderful connection right now. Take care xxx

    1. The store assistants are amazing and as they have some less than polite people to deal with at the best of times, I dread to think what they are having to put up with at the moment.
      I am grateful for being able to enjoy the outdoors still, I really am, but you're right in that it isn't the most relaxed experience just now. I'm constantly on the look out for other people and although everyone I have passed has adhered to the social distancing measures, it does feel very awkward at times. Stay well. X

  16. A girl with a stick, very sensible!

  17. We're living in strange times but we seem to be making the best of it. It must be very hard for children who are missing their friends but it sounds as though Lily has got a little structure and routine, which I think is important for children. There's been a lot of gardening happening in our neighbourhood, there's going to be some beautiful gardens this year with all the time people have got to devote to them.

    1. It's exactly that, Jo, we're making the best of it. It's the way it has to be for now, so we just need to keep on doing what we can.
      Yes, the gardens are going to be beautiful, although I'm not so sure about how my lawn will look by the time Lily has finished with it! X

  18. Glad you’ve been able to get baking ingredients, so important. Most food supplies are available here though I did laugh to myself when I say two police officers seemingly guarding the toilet roll isle. Still waiting for the flour to return here! Lovely photos as usual particularly the first one. Hope the sun stays shining in your corner. B x

    1. I even noticed there was pasta on the shelves this morning! There wasn't any flour, however. I hope you and yours are keeping safe and well, Barbara. X

  19. I have never come across a weetabix cake before, sounds interesting. Glad you are able to get out in the garden sadly rain has stopped play here. Stay safe.

    1. Weetabix loaf is so quick and easy to make, and it's really delicious spread with butter. I'll put the recipe up later. X

  20. What a lovely, homely post to read :)
    Personally, I'm loving the current situation as it has given me some much needed time at home!

    1. Thank you, Louise. I have discovered a new found appreciation for my home right now. To have a safe and secure place to live is a real blessing. X

  21. My Dear Daughter in law next door, home-schools their youngest (10). And she is amazed at how "little" time it takes, for him to complete a day's school work. Which shows, that a lot of regular school time, is "baby sitting." An eye opening thing.

    Plus, he can take breaks, when he needs them. Can run outside and check on the chickens or etc., for a bit. And come back, refreshed. Something he can not do in school.

    Here, people are asked to say "Thank you" to grocery store workers. Unsung heroes in this time.

    Doing normal home things... What better, to keep us sane??????????

    And I love it, that your daughter has a built in habit, to insure 'social distancing." A waving stick is a goodddddd thinggggggg. -giggles-

    Stay safe.

    1. I'm really enjoying the opportunity to home school Lily at the moment, although knowing how much she enjoys going to school it wouldn't be something I would choose for her on a permanent basis.
      Yes, it's the normal, everyday stuff that will get us through. That, and finding joy in the little things which, at times such as these, turn out to be the big things. X

  22. Flour is on my list too. I tried cutting down a banana bread recipe because I was down to my last cup and it didn't quite work out. I know how you felt though, I actually felt that the first time I was able to get toilet paper 2 weeks ago. Our local grocery store has senior hour from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. every day. Since I am an early bird, that works out great.

    I am really enjoying a little more blog reading these days, and your beautiful photos are part of the reason why. Stay well.

    1. I must admit, I didn't understand the whole stockpiling of toilet rolls, so I'm glad you eventually managed to get hold of some. I went to the supermarket this morning and it was actually very quiet. No queueing to get in or at the checkout, which was a pleasant surprise. X

  23. I am a new reader and really enjoyed this post and your pictures. I am curious though, what is weetabix cake?

    1. Thank you for introducing yourself, it's lovely to see you here. I've had several people mention the Weetabix cake now, so I'm going to post the recipe later. X

  24. The weetabix cake looks good, I could use bran flakes as it similar. Love the tulips.

    1. Thanks, Tania. I think bran flakes will be fine, you can also use All Bran. X

  25. I looked up Weetabix, here in the US they shredded wheat, or at least that is what it looks like. So I can make this too, although I rather like your name better, it's a bit more fanciful. I couldn't comment on your most recent posting, unless I missed it, so I'm comment here. I'll be adding Weetabix to the shopping list. Stay Well!

    1. I hadn't realised the comments had been disabled - all sorted now. :)

  26. Lovely to catch up with you here in blogland. I don't get the loo roll thing either. It's not even a stomach bug! Love contented cats, without a care in the world. Take care x

    1. Thank you for your comment, Cathy. I'm missing your posts. Hope you and your family are well. X

  27. A lovely post from start to finish, thank you.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you, Jan. We're trying to remain positive. X

  28. Sounds like you are making the most of the current situation with a variety of activities. The bread looks delicious, nothing beats the smell of a fresh loaf cooking. The cake looks interesting ... Weetabix?

    1. I do seem to be finding comfort in baking at the moment :) Yes, Weetabix cake. I've posted the recipe now. X

  29. I, too, am so grateful for outdoor space! Not so fond of baking though! My husband is the baker in our household!

    1. I enjoy baking, as long as it doesn't require too much faffing about. I much prefer the eating part. :D X
