Saturday, 14 September 2019

A Quiet Day

We're  having a quiet day at home today. The bright morning sunshine has given way to a slightly overcast afternoon.  The washing is blowing on the line, I've made a batch of carrot and lentil soup and the stew I've prepared for dinner this evening is gently simmering away on the stove.
It's been a busy week, so I'm grateful for this opportunity to relax and wind down.

Last weekend we, once again, went for a walk in the Northern Lakes, high up some forest tracks to where the views opened out towards the sea in the west and the Skiddaw range of fells in the east. The heather is fading away now and there are subtle signs of autumn all around. We enjoyed a picnic overlooking Bassenthwaite Lake before our steep descent, which found us tentatively crossing some slippery stones over a narrow stream, before finding ourselves amongst the trees once more.

On Tuesday evening we took part in a bat walk down by the river. The light was just beginning to fade and it was the perfect time to catch sight of these fascinating little creatures. We saw some flying overhead, heard them in the trees, using bat detectors and spotted some darting out from beneath the bridge, skimming the surface of the river looking for flies. We were meant to end our evening with hot chocolate and cookies but, as Lily was tired from a long day, we returned home early.

Last night, just as we did last year, we went to Blackpool for fish and chips and to see the Illuminations and fireworks. It was such a lovely evening. The air was still and the harvest moon shone brightly in the beautifully clear night sky.  We watched the fireworks from the promenade, enjoyed the tableau displays, then returned home rather weary but very happy.

This week, we have begun to settle into a routine and, so far, everything is going well. Lily seems to have settled in at school, which is a relief, as although she has always enjoyed going, I can't help that initial feeling of concern at the beginning of each new school year. Our week ahead should be a little less busy, which I am quite thankful for. I've some loose ends to tie up and some plans to make.
Have a great weekend.

J. X


  1. Lovely lovely green. I miss green.

    The beginning of school is always exciting.

    1. The lush green of summer is beginning to fade now. Autumn colour is creeping in. X

  2. Lovely photos. What a busy and exciting week you've had, you'll be glad of the quiet time at home today. Bats are such fascinating creatures so I'm sure the bat walk will have been very interesting. It's two years now since we were at Blackpool Illuminations, we used to stay at St Annes quite often when Daniel and Eleanor were little and we'd always take them to see the illuminations.

    1. Thank you, Jo. We've enjoyed a more relaxed weekend, I think we needed it. X

  3. Lovely scenes from your part of the world, very similar to our recent Scottish views. We’ve seen lots of red mushrooms like the one in your picture. Any idea what it is called? Glad you enjoyed the illuminations. Last time I went I was probably about seven! B x

    1. Having read your latest post I see exactly what you mean. The scenery looks very similar.
      I think the toadstool is a Fly Agaric, although I always refer to them as fairytale toadstools :) X

  4. What breathtaking scenery! I love the photo of Lily surveying it all. If we're sitting out in the garden late, around the fire basket, we sometimes see Pipistrelle bats flitting about. I hope you get your less busy week :)

    1. The views up there are lovely and on a clear day you can see for miles, although I'm not sure whether Lily was surveying it all or making sure she kept her chocolate all to herself!
      There are large trees at the back of our house so we are used to seeing bats, although it was great to listen to the expert and to see the Daubenton's over the river. X

  5. Beautiful photos....

    Lovely places to visit...

    I especially love the Bat Walk. So many people are afraid of, and do not value, these little creatures. It's wonderful, to find some, who do.

    Do hope this year's schedule, will work well. With enough "you time," to easily balance out, all the "do-do-do" time. :-)


    1. Thank you, WoW. We had a great time on the bat walk and it was fascinating to listen to the expert. He really knew his bats!
      I will be winding up my studies over the next couple of weeks so it will make a huge difference to my days. Hopefully it will mean a lot more me time :) X

  6. Hi Jules, Oh, those photos are so soothing. What a beautiful area. It's wonderful that you spend so much time absorbing the energy of Mother Nature. The older I get, the more I do the same.

    1. I couldn't imagine not being able to spend as much time outdoors as I do and I know I'm very fortunate to live somewhere which enables me to do that. X

  7. Stunning photos! The lakes are always gorgeous. I'd love to do the bat walk, we have them in our garden but to wander with guidance and an expert would be so interesting. xxx

    1. We have bats here too, in the trees at the back of our house, although it was great to listen to the expert and to use the bat detectors. I didn't realise there were so many down by the river. X

  8. You know, I don't think I've ever seen a red mushroom apart from in story books. What a wonderful find. The bat walk sounds fun. If we sit in the garden at night we can see them flying to and fro across our garden. They fly a lot lower than you'd think!

    Glad you enjoyed Blackpool. I'm hoping to see the fireworks this weekend although we may just sit in the van and watch them. I do like the noise as much as the colours though.

    I know what you mean about a new year at school. I used to breathe a sigh of relief when Thomas had settled in and seemed to like his teacher, which is always a big bonus. Have a lovely week. xx

    1. The red toadstools are usually found in woodland, especially near pine trees, so it came as no surprise that we discovered some on our walk. I always refer to them as fairy tale toadstools.
      The fireworks were great. Like last year, we had fish and chips at Bispham, before making our way through the tableau displays towards the pier, although I'm thinking we might go more central another year. Any suggestions? X

  9. Soup and stew.....Autumn is definitely on it's way.
    Some lovely days and evenings out for you although I would have to pass on the bats. I love them and I think they are very cute.....but only in pictures or on tv.
    Glad to hear that Lily is settling in at school. That first week or so is always a worry.

    1. The soup and stew were intentional, although it isn't really that cold here yet. It's sure sign autumn is on it's way when I get the slow cooker out.
      I didn't think you'd be keen on getting up close with bats :) X

  10. Lovely photos, as always. Sounds like you had a full and busy week! That bat walk sounds so interesting! You always find fun and interesting things to do! Enjoy your Saturday and the week ahead. :)

    1. Thank you, Bless. We are members of a local wildlife group, so there are often different activities available for us to take part in. X

  11. We are having a quiet week at the cottage - the nearby caravans are all almost empty - the occupants don't come very often these days - I don't think we have seen more than a handful of passers by all week and the beach has been deserted. I would love a bat walk - we have them here and at home just outside the windows at night. I can't believe the illuminations have begun!

    1. I hope you manage to have a relaxing week. I quite like it when places become deserted at the end of season.
      The bat walk was fascinating. We got to see far more of them than we were expecting. X

  12. What a busy week you have all had, it sounds like a quiet day is just what you need to end the week with. I love quiet weekends after busy weeks. I hope you all manage to get the rest and down time you need to feel ready for the week ahead.

    1. We've had a very relaxed weekend. I'd like to say I'm refreshed and ready for the week ahead but I would much prefer another day at home :)

  13. I always enjoy seeing the photos of your area. Those mountains are breathtakingly beautiful.

    Good luck with all your weekly plans, Jules.

  14. Very similar here, Millie and I spent all day in the garden, which was lovely, after a hectic week where we seemed to have 'something on' every day. Did your washing smell lovely from drying on the line? Ours did :)

    I found this set of pictures slightly harder to identify than your last but have settled on Whinlatter? If I am right, I trust you gave Bag End a passing wave? 😊 xx

    1. It's funny how weeks can fall like that. We've either got loads on, or nothing at all. The washing did smell lovely :) I don't have a drier, so I get my washing hung out whenever possible.
      Yes, it was Whinlatter. We climbed Lord's Seat and Barf. X

  15. Carrot and lentil soup - mmmmm. And, again, such lovely photos. Thank you.

    1. There might also have been a few chili flakes in there too! It was delicious. X

  16. Soup and stew, firm favourites here and a sure sign of the seasons changing. I would love to go on a bat walk, sounds amazing. Stunning photographs a joy to visit your blog.

    1. There were dumplings too! We'll be having the rest of the stew for dinner this evening. I know the seasons are changing when my slow cooker makes a reappearance. X

  17. A bat walk sounds lovely, we had them on campus when I was at university as there were so many types zooming around.

    Every year we say we'll go to see the fireworks, but we never have. There's still a chance we'll catch them this year so you never know.

    1. Bats are fascinating creatures, it was an interesting walk and I didn't expect to see so many of them. Lily and I were watching them at the back of the house last night.
      You should try and go to the fireworks this Friday. It looks like it will be a lovely evening. X

  18. I always enjoy seeing your photographs, you live in a beautiful part of the UK.

    We visited Blackpool and enjoyed the illuminations many years ago, so reading about your visit bought back some lovely memories.

    I think it's good to have quiet days and some quiet time …
    Enjoy your September days.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you, Jan. An annual visit to Blackpool has become a bit of a tradition. We missed a couple of years when Lily was three and four years old, as she would have been too tired to enjoy it, so it's been fun to start going again. X

  19. Your photos are lovely and very soothing. I'm glad that school has started out well for Lily. I understand your concern at how the year will begin. Right now Michael is completely freaking out about transitioning to high school next year. His anxiety is through the roof and he's having complete shutdowns (not meltdowns) so we're trying to work out the best way to help him and manage it all. Keep posting your beautiful photos, I'm selfish and needing them right now. xx Susan

    1. I'm sorry to read Michael is struggling at the moment. The transition to high school feels like a huge leap and it must be difficult trying to alleviate his anxiety.
      Sending hugs. Xx

  20. The skies were certainly very cloudy on your fell walk. Glad you enjoyed the illuminations (I've not been to Blackpool for years and have no intention of ever doing so) and the bat walk sounds interesting. I explored an old Irish castle the other day and found a little bat (sadly dead) on one of the upper floors, it was so amazingly tiny :)

    1. It was overcast that day but it was forecast to be dry and warm, so I knew we'd be OK for a walk. I'm still intending to climb Sale fell. Hopefully soon. X

  21. Beautiful collection of photos. The soups sounds good!

    1. Thank you, Louise. The soup is delicious. I'll be having the last of it for my lunch today. X

  22. That sounds like a busy but exciting week - the bat walk sounds wonderful and unforgettable. I always feel that autumn is upon us when the heather goes over but this year we have lost 75% of the heather on the South Shropshire Hills so the glorious swathes of pink have been much reduced. Apparently last winter wasn't cold enough to kill off the heather beetles - I feel glad for the beetles but sad for the loss of the heather. x

    1. It's been a busy but very enjoyable week.
      It's so sad that you've lost so much of the heather. It looks stunning when it's all out in flower. X

  23. I always felt that September should be our New Year really...and in a way we have lots of New in April academic in September, calendar in January, age on our birthday. Amazing photos as always. I'm not surprised Lily was tired after all that fresh air though! x

    1. Yes, there are many new years really. September especially feels that way to me, although I try not to think too much about my birthday! X

  24. I haven't been to the Blackpool Lights since I was a teenager. Coincidentally the other day when looking for something, I came across some slides I'd taken of illuminated trams. I remember the traffic tailed back for miles and was very slow and many cars suffered from overheating and they were cooling down at the roadside.

    1. I think I like the tradition of going more than the actual illuminiations. We don't drive through them all but instead prefer to park at Bispham and enjoy some fish and chips, before walking along the promenade towards the north pier. I do like to see the illuminated trams. We were passed by the train and the boat. X

  25. I always feel calm and relaxed reading your blog. The photos, the words, the talk of soup. You have a gift with the way you describe.
    And also, now I want fish and chips!!!


    1. That's a lovely thing to say, Sadie. Thank you. X

  26. Sept. 21st

    Thank you so much, for your comment, on my post!!!

    It is nice to know, that you and your little girl, enjoy the fun of Halloween. And thus, you won't be put-off, by my enjoying Halloween, on my blog.

    Thank you!

