Thursday, 27 April 2023
April Catch Up

Sunday, 9 April 2023
As luck would have it, I chose a rather glorious spring morning for our 100th Wainwright. It had been forecast to be dry and sunny, but whenever heading out on the fells I always check, and then I check again before setting off. On this occasion the forecast was correct. Not a cloud in the sky, and the fell tops could be seen from miles around.
An early start meant there was ample space at the tiny car park in the village of Threlkeld, and we didn't see a single soul as we began our walk beneath the trees, and up alongside the beck in the direction of Blease Fell.
There are many different approaches to the summit, but over Blease Fell is known for being the most straightforward and safest route - no challenging 'edges' for me, thank you very much! Also, the views in this direction are rather wonderful.
On this occasion, I even remembered to take along one of our painted rocks. We hid it on this cairn.
Tuesday, 4 April 2023
Spring Sunshine
I can't begin to explain just what a difference this change in the weather has made to my wellbeing. The last few days have been glorious, and after an intermittent start it now feels like spring is finally here to stay. In other exciting news, I now have hot water! Being able to get into my pyjamas, straight after a shower feels so satisfying. And to those of you who have been in the same situation for much longer than I have, but without complaining, I stand in awe.
Last week, the final Warm Space, although still fairly quiet, was attended by all the regulars. I made chocolate brownies once again, and I was gifted a picture, which had been painted by one of the lovely ladies just for having baked all their cakes over the last few months. Wasn't that kind? It is on the mantel for the time being, until I can decide where I want to display it.
School is now finished for two weeks, so I'm hoping to enjoy some slightly less hurried mornings. I do have some tradespeople turning up on at least two of the days, and there will be a short trip away at the end of the second week, but I'm sure I will find a balance somewhere in amongst the chaos. And then, before I forget, I also need to complete my coursework.
Following some incredibly cold temperatures over the winter, the garden is looking rather worse for wear. Until now, it has been far too wet to have been working outdoors, but the grass has now been treated to its first cut of the season, and I think this week I will at least get the soil dug over and any dead plants removed. Sadly, this appears to be the majority of them, so I think I will be starting again from scratch. Thankfully, my small apple trees and blackcurrant bushes appear to be unscathed. But the container pond needs a good clean out, and again the pond plants will need to be replaced.
Boo has started going outdoors now, and is loving his new found freedom. He has made a new friend who turns up every morning just to see if he wants to go out to play. The other cat is almost identical to Boo, aside from the fact he has white whiskers. Mog chooses to let them get on with it and appears relieved to be left alone finally, having little time for juvenile shenanigans.
On Sunday, we went for a short walk in the woods. There is an abundance of wild garlic now, and it won't be long before Bluebells begin to make an appearance. We gathered some twigs and have since assembled our Easter Tree, using the little crocheted eggs I made back when Lily was still so very small. How time flies.
J. X