Saturday, 3 December 2022

A Crafty Morning

Lily and I have enjoyed a lovely morning at our local Wildlife club session. We created some sparkly pine cones for our Christmas tree, painted cards with added bark embellishments, and cut out paper lanterns. It was our last session of the year, so I'm glad we were able to attend, even though Lily had spent the previous night coughing and had been quite restless. Despite feeling tired, she had insisted we still attend, and it was lovely to see some familiar faces and wish them well for the festive season. 

This afternoon, I went into town and managed to make some more progress with my gift shopping. However, I must make sure I get the last of the items on my list sooner rather than later. I have a habit of reaching this stage in my preparations and becoming complacent, when in fact there is much more still to be done. And please don't worry that I am putting unnecessary pressure on myself, I just don't really enjoy shopping - at any time :)

J. X


  1. That is so gorgeous! Too bad Lily is still coughing. So many people are; it worries me.

    1. Thank you, Stephenie. Lily slept much more soundly last night. Xx

  2. Same here... I do not enjoy shopping in a store. It's why I do on line shopping. Mucking around in stores is not my idea of a good time.

    Your photo is simply beautiful... D o hope you will continue to show your Christmas decorations.


    1. I have never enjoyed trailing round the stores. I find it exhausting. Xx

  3. A morning spent doing some crafts together sounds just perfect! I hope that Lily has a restful night, tonight, and feels better, soon.
    I made a list of all the people I will be giving gifts to this year, but, I've absolutely no idea what gifts to give them!

    1. Thank you, Bless. Lily is still coughing but insists she feels fine.
      I don't know about you, but I often put far too much pressure on myself to find that perfect gift for someone. Xx

  4. That's my kind of Christmas decoration or was when I put them up. I've made all my cards and am hoping to get the 20 or so ones for abroad posted tomorrow. I haven't managed a single present. I have NO imagination when it comes to having to 'buy to order'. I prefer spontaneity. However when I give someone a 'Christmas' present in July they think it's a bit weird. "See it. Like it. Buy it. Give it." is my mantra.

    1. I would love to make my own Christmas Cards, but sadly I am just not that creative. I admire those who are :)
      I like your method of present buying. Far more relaxed. Xx

  5. It sounds like fun at the craft session I hope that LIly is feeling better now. I don't enjoy shopping either especially at Christmas time, that's why I don't bother anymore it's such a relief not to have that worry. Have a great Sunday. xx

    1. We had a lovely time at the session, Linda. They demonstrated some fun crafting ideas. X

  6. The mantel is perfect...warm & glowing with the spirit of the season, And oh, those little stockings are so sweet! It's good Lily felt well enough to's times like that she'll remember when she's're creating wonderful memories. And yay, some things off the to-do list! If we do a little each day, soon our lists will be smaller, and we can enjoy this month without the frenzy. Hope it's a good week for you both, Mary

    1. Thank you, Mary. The stockings are my favourite. It's a while since I knitted them.
      Lily is still coughing, but insists she feels fine. I'm sure she will be, after another good night's sleep.
      I'm relieved to say that my lists have shrunk already :)

  7. I hope that Lily is feeling better. Your mantle piece looks beautiful. X

    1. She is still coughing a lot, but insists that she's fine. Xx

  8. It certainly sounds a fun craft session.
    Sending feel better wishes for Lily.

    All the best Jan

    1. It was a lovely morning. We just need to get the tree up now, so that we can hang our decorations. X
