I'm still at home and my days are now beginning to drag. I am sure I would feel quite differently had I actually been unwell, but the worst of my symptoms has been a runny nose. The aching shoulders, I put down to having cut the grass and attempted some gardening last week :) I'm not complaining. I am incredibly grateful not to have suffered worse, but I'm now definitely ready to be back at work and getting on with things. I would like to say I have been productive with my days but, without my usual routine, I have been floundering. That said, I have tidied out my wardrobe, which wasn't as daunting a task as I'd originally thought, although I did have a 'moment' when I'd first emptied everything out onto my bed. I don't even own all that many items of clothing, it just isn't very well organised.

Also, I completed the baby blanket I have been crocheting for my friend. I am really happy with, so I do hope she likes it. I used
this pattern from Maisie & Ruth, but increased the size of the border and left off the impractical pom poms.
I haven't just been stuck indoors, however. At the weekend we went out for walk along the river, the fresh air and stiff breeze helping to blow away the cobwebs. The ground was still very wet and muddy in places, so I was glad to be wearing my wellies. We had hoped to gather some of the wild garlic in the woods, but it is still a little too early right now, so it will just have to wait another week or so. But I really can't wait to enjoy some delicious, freshly made pesto. Perhaps I should learn to be more patient.
While we were out, we were actively searching for signs of spring and we weren't disappointed. There were new shoots in abundance and some of the trees are already in blossom. We didn't manage to find any frog spawn, but we were absolutely delighted to see some otters playing in the water and scampering up the river bank, and then a flash of vibrant blue as a kingfisher flew past.
Being full of germs I haven't wanted to spend much time in the kitchen, but as I had been craving cake I decided to bake some
Weetabix Fruit Loaf Cake. And I am so glad I did, as I've been enjoying a generous slice each morning with a mug of hot sweet tea :)
I've done a bit more clearing in the garden and it's lovely to see some bulbs making a reappearance, especially the fritillary, which I have been careful to avoid disturbing since last summer. We have decided to sow wildflower seeds again this year, and I am once again looking forward to seeing the butterflies and bees they attract.
J. X