Friday, 21 May 2021

Catching Up

I'm feeling a little weary today so, aside from working, I'm giving myself permission to do very little else. Which is all good in theory, but we all know that very rarely actually happens. Even now I'm thinking I should go and put a wash on :)

The last two weeks have been rather busy and so have passed by all too quickly for me. I'm looking forward to having a week off at the beginning of June, and fingers crossed it will coincide with some good weather just like the last time. I've not been terribly impressed with the cold and damp we've been experiencing lately, although the wildflowers in the garden are growing rapidly thanks to all the rain. I can't wait to see them all in flower. I'm also happy to report that, after my initial lack of success, I decided to sow some more sunflowers and another pack of sweet pea seeds, which have since sprouted and appear to be growing well. I'm determined to attract a garden full of pollinators this summer. 🌻🌺🌻

Where's Lily?

Last week we enjoyed a walk up Holme Fell, near Coniston. We set off from the shore of Yew Tree Tarn, which is very close to Tarn Hows, where we had visited the previous week. In fact, if we had wished, we could have reached it just by walking further along the waterfall trail. Although the morning wasn't particularly sunny, it was still dry and bright, and just perfect for a short walk, as rain had been forecast for later that day. Whilst we listened to the intermittent song of a cuckoo somewhere close by, we made our steep but not overly strenuous ascent up the path, which opened out to some beautiful views stretching right over the Langdale valley.  And, in the time it took for me to take just a few photographs, someone couldn't resist taking a short detour from the path in order to climb some very inviting looking rocks! After reaching the summit, we dropped down to eat our lunch beside one of the two small reservoirs on the fell, then descended the track further again to walk back alongside the Tarn and return to the car. Although, not before we had been for another quick look at the Tom Gill waterfalls, which were definitely holding far more water than on our previous visit.

Since my last post, we have celebrated a birthday here. Lily is now 8 years old! Of course, I baked chocolate brownies for the occasion and even though I thought I might get away with just buying a number '8' candle, Lily still insisted on having individual ones as well, so it was a good job I had some to hand. And why not. You're only eight once. 

She spent her special day paddle boarding on Ullswater, with sisters also around to join in with the fun. With any luck, another year we should be able to have an actual party, although Lily was perfectly happy with her more reserved celebrations. She was thrilled with her gifts as well, especially her shiny new bicycle which she's going to enjoy a proper ride out on this coming weekend. 

J. X


  1. Happy birthday Lily - I love your little cake but can't quite believe the 8 - where does the time go. I have a passion for waterfalls and could watch them all day.

    1. Thank you, Vivien. I know, I can't quite believe it myself. Those eight years have flown by. X

  2. Happy Birthday to Lily, it sounds like her special day was fun, and I hope she enjoys riding her new bike :)

    1. Thank you, Eunice. It was a lovely and relaxed way to celebrate. There was also pizza! X

  3. Happy birthday Lily - glad you had a lovely time - I love your cake.

    1. Thank you, Pat. We enjoyed a really lovely day. X

  4. Happy birthday to Lily! I also have sunflower and sweet peas sprouting among the vegetables so it should be a good summer for the birds and pollinators.

    1. Thank you, Chris. Yes, it will be fantastic to have the garden buzzing this summer. X

  5. Great views of the waterfalls!
    Happy Birthday to the 8-year old Lily! The chocolate brownies and the candles, look spectacular!

    1. Thank you very much. The brownies tasted pretty spectacular too, even if I do say so myself :)

  6. Happy 8th birthday, Lily! Lovely birthday brownie cake!

    Lovely pictures as always, Jules. Such beautiful countryside. Hope you are able to rest and relax over the weekend and take it easy. Enjoy your week off in June, too.

    1. Thank you, Bless. I'm looking forward to my week off, and at the moment the forecast looks promising. X

  7. I think there's a difference between doing things because they absolutely and totally HAVE to be done asap and doing something that needs to be done at some point but you'd like to get it done now. The former is stressful and the latter is satisfying.
    Have a wonderful bike ride and belated Happy Birthday to Lily.

    1. You're absolutely right, Joy. I just don't like falling behind with what needs to be done, but I did enjoy a more restful day.
      Thank you for your kind wishes. X

  8. Happy birthday to Lily. It sounds like a fun birthday even if there wasn't a party, they've very overrated in my opinion anyway.

    1. Thank you, Jo. There are lots of children who prefer a more relaxed celebration. Big parties can be a little overwhelming for many. X

  9. Honestly - I think it is quite OK to feel weary these days. The last 15 months have been like nothing any of us have ever lived through before and sadly I do not think we are out of it yet.
    I reckon the generally unseen mental toll this takes would make the most resilient of us tired and weary.

    But huge ~well done~ for continuing to get out and about, and congrats to both you and Lily for another birthday. xx

    1. Thank you, Jayne. I was originally thinking along the same lines as you and I'm sure that's part of it but, as it happens, there was another cause of my weariness - I've caught a cold. X

  10. Oh happy birthday to your Lily Jules. That cake looks scrumptious, what a great idea stacking the brownies. My eldest turns ten next week and we have a new bike on the way (don't know about you, but I found it very hard getting one at a sensible price - lots of places sold out) and a little picnic planned. Those waterfalls are just beautiful. Makes me want to get my walking boots and flask of coffee! Lulu xXx

    1. Thank you, Lulu. Oh, yes! Finding a bike proved much more difficult than before. Thankfully, we have an excellent bike shop close by, although, I was shocked to realise she has owned her existing bike for three years! Almost needed a second mortgage to pay for it as well :) I don't mind, however, as she will get a lot of use out of it.
      I hope your eldest enjoys their special day. X

  11. Happy Birthday, Lily! The brownies and the candles are a dlight, you're such a brilliant mum. xxx

  12. Happy Birthday to Lily! I'm thinking of putting some washing on too but knowing me the moment will pass and I'll forget all about it. I'm fed up with the awful weather we have been having I hope it changes for you in June. I have just planted my sweet peas out in the garden and I have to say they are looking a bit sorry for themselves I hope they survive the cold winds. Lovely photos as always. Have a great weekend. xx

    1. Thank you, Linda. I intended to plant out my sweet peas later today but now I'm thinking I might wait just a little longer. The forecast looks promising for next week. X

  13. Happy 8th Birthday Miss Lily! A wonderful celebration. Brownies look very good and how pretty with the candles.

  14. Oh that waterfall!!!!!

    And I love your terms for natural things, in your area. Like tarn and fell and etc. They sound so lovely, to my ears.

    Sorry you are not having warm weather yet. As I wrote, we are into Summer here.

    Belated Happy Birthday to Lily! 8!!!!! She is growing. As well, she should of course. -smile-

    Oh come on, keep taking some time off! That laundry will be there, tomorrow. Well, unless everyone is out of knickers, it can always wait a day, or even a few hours. -smile-

    🌱🌺🌱 🌱🌺🌱

    1. Thank you for your kind wishes.
      You'll be pleased to know we are not out of clean underwear just yet :) but I have since done the laundry. I'm still waiting on some warmer weather though. X

  15. Oh my goodness, 8 years old! Happy Birthday dear Lily. The birthday celebrations sound great fun and the brownies look yummy. I hope your weariness wears off, I know it's hard to do but be kind to yourself and take it easy, or as easy as a busy mum can do :) I've found that giving myself permission to only do what I feel like doing for a few weeks has definitely helped speed up the mental and physical recovery of the past few months and I hope you find that as well. Have a lovely weekend. xx

    1. Thank you, Suzanne. I can't quite believe it myself. Where did those eight years go?
      Yes, you're right. I think we get so used to putting others first, that our own needs are often overlooked. Having said that, I have since developed a cold. At least I now know there was a reason for me feeling so wiped out. X

  16. Belated birthday wishes to Lily. Her birthday brownies look delicious and she's sure to have lots of fun on her new bicycle.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Lily loves her new bike. X

  17. Happy Birthday to Lily!! Her brownies look delicious and now I have a craving for some myself. I think I'll make a batch this evening. My wildflowers are really starting to sprout up. I'm excited to have blooms soon! Enjoy your upcoming week off. Hopefully, the weather will be nice and sunny.

    1. Thank you, Julia. These are really delicious brownies, although they are rather decadent. I can only manage to eat one at a time, even with my sweet tooth. X

  18. Firstly please may I add my best belated wishes to Lily for a happy and healthy year ahead.

    You are always doing this to me! I saw the Langdales and read the rest of your post and then started a comment but half way through decided to make some notes of possible Lake District posts so that I wouldn't forget. Much later and in between doing household chores I was looking for pictures of The Langdales. I first climbed up to the tarn with a school geography outing (I was fascinated by glaciation etc). By the the time I'd finished I'd forgotten all about blogging because I found other photos which diverted me completely.So here I am back where I started 14 hours ago. I should add that I also spent a number of hours in the garden before tomorrow's expected heavy rain.

    It's good to see paddle boarding being undertaken. I'd love to try it. I've only tried sail boarding (with, I have to admit, very modest achievements).

    1. Thank you for your kind wishes, Graham.
      I hope you didn't mind the distraction too much. I'm looking forward to your posts, as I always enjoy reading about your experiences in the Lakes. The Langdale valley is not somewhere I have spent much time in, so I hope I'll be exploring this area even more during the summer. Having said that, there has been a significant increase in visitors during this last week. I'll be choosing where I travel to much more carefully from now on. X

  19. Belated birthday wishes for Lily ... her cake looks delicious.

    Fabulous photographs from your walk.
    Hoping the weather gets a little better especially as it will soon be half term holiday.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you, Jan. The forecast is looking more promising for next week. I hope you will get to enjoy some time with your grandchildren over the half-term break. X

  20. A belated Happy Birthday to Lily. Sounds like she enjoyed herself. Paddle boarding looks like fun, though I think I will be leaving that to Lily. Nicer weather coming soon. 🙏

    1. Thank you, Shazza. We're looking forward to more boarding when the weather is warmer. X

  21. Yes, we're eight only once. Happy Birthday to the lovely Lily. I can only imagine her joy at owning new wheels. I have never owned a bicycle but hearing of Lily's brought back the best memories of a summer when we vacationed in Dallas. I got to ride my cousin's bike every single day for a week.

    1. Lily does love her bike. It's a pleasure to indulge her occasionally, as she never asks for much and I know it will get plenty of use. X

  22. How wonderful, Jules! Those brownies look scrumptious. The paddle boarding sounds fun. I tried it with a friend once at Russian River. Lily looks so cute in her life vest.

    1. I imagine paddle boarding must be quite difficult where there is a current. We didn't see many boats that day, so the water was lovely and calm. X

  23. A birthday to remember indeed....but 8 already?! x

    1. I know, Jackie. I know! She's growing too fast. X

  24. Wow, what beautiful landscapes. My late father used to go hill climbing in your area, now I know why.

    1. I try to get out on the fells as often as possible. It is a beautiful area. X

  25. Happy birthday to Lily, and what yummy looking chocolate goodness you baked. Your photos show a beautiful place for you to hike.

    1. Thank you, Terra. Lily enjoyed a lovely relaxed day.
      It's even more beautiful there when the sun shines. ☀️
