Saturday, 8 December 2018


Here  we are in December, and all I can think is how fast the year has gone. It feels like no time at all since I was getting ready for Christmas last year. It has been a busy week here and I'm relieved we've reached the weekend, so I have the chance to catch my breath. I use this time to get on top of chores and prepare for the week ahead but at this time of year, it is even more important than usual to find a balance, make time for fun and put a bit of magic into the season.

The advent stockings were hung in good time and Lily can't wait to reach inside for her chocolate snowman each morning. She was more than a bit disappointed, however, that she didn't wake up to snow on the 1st of the month and has been looking out for some every day since. So far, December has only brought us wet, windy and gloomy days. The weather has been far from festive and hasn't really lent itself to cheer and joyfulness, so we've been creating our own. We've been baking, doing festive jigsaws, reading Christmas stories and enjoying bit of crafting. Lily has had fun with our new Christmas stamps and I treated myself to some cute reindeer lights which, at the moment are the only decorations we have on display, besides my new Nisse. This is the crafting I mentioned.

Having watched a few tutorials online I decided to have a try at creating one myself. It had been ages since I'd done anything like this but I found it quite straightforward and fairly quick to make up once I'd got the hang of it.  ðŸ˜Š
You need coloured felt, some white embroidery thread, beads and a small amount of wadding and rice  to stuff them with. There are many tutorials to work from and can be adapted to suit your own style.

I enjoyed making it so much, I made two more in  different sizes. They look very sweet on the fireplace and, of course, are perfectly safe for when small hands decide to play with them.

J. X


  1. Thay're absolutely lovely! Really cute.

    1. Thank you, Joy. I really enjoyed making them. X

  2. Jules - these are delightful and I have sent a link to my Grand daughter as she has a little girl aged two.

    1. I like to have decorations that are safe for little hands. X

  3. I love the Nisse-they are exactly the kind of small hand sewing project that delights me. I went to a workshop on Scandi style snowflake embroidery onto stars on Thursday and have now sewn the little stars onto some red fleece baubles for my wooden tree that DH made me. There are no wee ones in our family so I just indulge my inner child at Christmas.

    1. The baubles sound lovely. I haven't done anything like this in ages and I found it really relaxing. Nothing wrong with indulging your inner child - I do it regularly, whether or not Lily is with me.

  4. So cute. I love hand made decorations, they really add the personal touch to the festive decor. The years seem to pass by so quickly, don't they? I can't believe that Christmas is almost here again already either.

    1. Thank you, Jo. I like to use decorations that are safe for little hands and I think they are just as sweet as some I saw at the Christmas market this weekend. X

  5. They are adorable, I can see some in my future. They would be lovely on the top of a gift for my little ones.

    1. Ooh yes! Do make some. I'd love to see them if you do. X

  6. Love the little stockings and the deer lights, I have a set of those stamps, I need to get a new ink pad though, last year I used them to make gift tags, glad you enjoyed the crafting.xx

    1. Thank you Marlene. The stamps were a great and inexpensive purchase. We are going to use them to decorate some brown paper for Christmas wrapping. X

  7. I like taking things slowly now. At one time I would have had the house decorated from top to bottom in a couple of days and been sick of it by the end of the week. Now I do a little at a time so that there is something new to look at every few days.

    Those Nisse are bloomin' gorgeous I may have to have a go at one as they remind me of the little elves in the film Rise Of The Guardians.

    Have fun with your preparations.

    1. It's good to take things slowly. In previous years I have run myself ragged trying to get everything done just right. To what end? It might have looked perfect but it wasn't very enjoyable. Now I would much rather take the time to enjoy every moment of the season for what it is and give myself a quick talking to if I find myself beginning to stress. X

  8. I love your advent stockings, did you knit them yourself Jules? Your nisse are fabulous, although I've never heard of them before. Lovely lights too. It's lovely when everything comes together, Lily must be really exited. It'd be so nice for her to have some snow on Christmas morning :)

    1. Thank you Eileen. Yes, I knitted the stockings myself using a Jean Greenhowe pattern. And Lily is VERY excited. She loves everything about the festive season. X

  9. -clapping hands- I noticed the Nisse immediately! :-)

    Thank you for giving me another name, than Gnome. I knew there were others, but could not remember them. :-)))))

    Doing traditional things, at this time of year, is what it is all about. Making memories, with your daughter. The simpler, the better.

    Christmas/Yuletide does not need over-the-top decorations, or loads of gifts/toys, or a frazzled Mother and Father. This Season needs quiet, lovely, simple traditions. If we listen to children, we would know this.

    Much better to listen to children, than to the "Christmas Machine," which pushes for excess. At least, I think so.

    Wishes and hugs, for a lovely December...


    1. Very wise words. I hope I manage to find the balance of just enough excitement, without it becoming out of hand. Exhausted parents and children do not make for an enjoyable festive experience. X

  10. Hello!
    So nice to see you here this morning!
    Happy December to you!
    Your Christmas home looks cozy and festive, and I do hope your little one gets some snow soon.
    It really makes this time of year even more magical. : )
    Your crafts are precious!
    I am pretty sure Madison brought me a couple cute ones from Denmark last Christmas!
    Have a cozy afternoon.

    1. Thank you Billie Jo. Lily and I would be just ecstatic to get some snow but I think it's unlikely. Oh well, I can dream. X

  11. So cute! and so thoughtful. I always admire the way that people can do craft things.

    1. Thank you. They are quite simple to make. X

  12. I love your Tomtes (Nisse) they are wonderful!

  13. They are adorable!! How lovely to make something so cute yourself. Meg🔔

    1. Thank you Meg. It was lovely to take some time out to make them. I found it really relaxing. X

  14. It looks like Christmas / December is a magical time at your home, with or without snow :) Not sure how I have missed your fabulous 'advent calendar', it is quite beautiful and no wonder Lily loves looking for her choccy snowman each day.

    1. I always love the festive season but oh! to get some snow would be just fantastic. I began making the advent stockings a couple of years ago but, having initially given up on them, I managed to finish them just in time for last Christmas. We had them hung on a branch above the fireplace last year but Lily can now be trusted not to help herself to all the chocolates at once, that's why we now have them just below the mantel. X

  15. Replies
    1. Thank you Jackie. I hope all is well with you and yours. X

  16. Your Nisse are gorgeous and perfect to add a bit of extra festiveness to your home. I love the advent sock line too! Wising you a cosy weekend. xx Susan

    1. Thank you Susan. We have some other Nisse too, which I made from corks. X

  17. Handmade things are always so lovely x

    1. I found the whole process of making them very relaxing too. X

  18. Those advent stockings are cute! First time I've heard about Nisse (had to look it up!) but they are cute, too! I hope Lily gets her snow soon!

    1. Thank you Bless. I first read about Nisse from the lovely Selma who writes at
      We will probably get snow at some point, but sadly we don't often get any for Christmas. X

  19. Oh Love those Santas. Love those stockings they are lovely. Thank you for the lovely comment re my stocking. Have a go it was quite easy. I am happy to let you know how I made it

    Julie xxxxxx

    Julie xxxxx

    1. Thank you Julie, your stocking looks great and beautifully made. X

  20. Gently does it. I am taking it at an enjoyable pace but planning some full-on crafting next weekend. Your nisser are fab! x

    1. Thank you. Yes, I'm trying hard to not get caught up in the frenzy. Enjoy your crafting! X

  21. you are far more talented than me :) they are fantastic looking :)

  22. Happy December! Your home looks cozy and festive. We got 12 inches of snow today! It's like a winter wonderland out there. I hope it makes over to your way soon.

    1. Thank you Julia. Oh, how wonderful! It must look so beautiful. Yes, please do send some in this direction. X

  23. Your plans look really festive. Those little decorations are adorable. Jo xx

  24. You are very industrious, Jules. Lily will joy herself helping with all the preparations. I loved the excited build up to Christmas with my little ones

    1. Lily loves the gradual build up and excitement of Christmas and I am more than happy to indulge this. X

  25. Sweet feltwork, they are lovely

    1. Thank you Julie. I really enjoyed making them. X

  26. Such a lovely post.
    Lovely to see Lily helping. Our grand-daughter loves to help out too!
    I think the felt Nisse look cute.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan. Lily likes to help with the baking but not so much with the clearing up. X

  27. very beautiful Christmas decoration. love them.
    have a great day
