Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Feeling Chilly

Thank you so much for all your good wishes on my last post. I'm relieved to say my sore throat is all but gone and I'm feeling much better.
Since the weekend, the temperature has plummeted here and the damp in the air only adds to the feeling of cold. I've been rummaging at the backs of drawers and cupboards for woolly hats, scarves and mittens and I'm pleased to report that the central heating is holding it's own - for now at least. I hope I haven't just jinxed it as I do not relish a repeat of last year.
The days are becoming darker now and the lack of sunshine is taking it's toll. I'm trying to remember to take care of myself  but it's the time of year when there is so much going on that time for myself is easily overlooked. As usual, it is something I need to prioritise.

This wasn't the situation at the weekend, however. The sun was shining and the weather was glorious - hardly a cloud in the sky. It is always a wonderful feeling when the good weather days and the weekend coincide with one another.
On Saturday we went for a gentle bike ride out towards the nature reserve. It had been a while since our last ride so we didn't cover many miles but we contented ourselves with the sea views and watching the gliders taking off and landing, one swooping so close, right above our heads.

I knew the forecast for Sunday was just as good, so had already planned for an early start to Gowbarrow Fell. The route begins by Aira Force and is a clearly marked, well trodden path, just the thing for a relaxed morning walk. We followed the path up through the waterfalls and around the side of the fell turning up sharply in order to reach the trig point on the summit. On the way back down we walked around the eastern side of the fell and were treated to the spectacular views of the lake opening up before us; the late autumn sunshine warming our faces and allowing for the removal of our jackets.
We found the perfect spot for our picnic - a row of rocks which appeared like a bench, overlooking the lake. However, my day was complete when, on return to the café at the car park, I enjoyed one of the best cups of tea ever! I know, I'm easily pleased. I'm not sure if it had been the fresh air and exercise that increased my satisfaction but it tasted soooo good. Although it had only been a gentle walk, this cup of tea was so welcome as tiredness suddenly overwhelmed me. Lily, on the other hand, managed it with ease and had even skipped most of the way!

While collecting Lily from school this evening, I noticed the roads through the village had been gritted,  most of the autumn colour has gone and the tree behind the house is now completely bare. This week I could really do to have a last tidy  up of the garden before winter and put away the outdoor table and chairs. I can't think that in a little over a week we will be entering the last month of the year but I'm getting ready to look forward to Christmas and all the excitement it will bring.


Edit. The gate in the second photograph holds cast iron British birds in military camouflage. It forms part of an art installation which is a war memorial on the site of former practice trenches used for training soldiers and cadets during the first and second world wars.


  1. I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better Jules.
    I love those little birds on the gate. Are they made of wood?

    1. Thank you Nil. The birds are cast iron. I've now added an explanation above. X

  2. It's bitterly cold today. Layers, hats, gloves and scarves definitely needed now. Glad to hear you are feeling much better, stay warm and well.

    1. Thank you Eileen. The cold, damp weather was a bit of a shock after the beautiful weekend. X

  3. What a strange photograph with all the birds on the gate. Your scenes are so beautiful but I am pleased I can't feel the cold.

    1. The birds have created a bit of interest so I've now added an explanation above. I hope you're managing to keep warm Pat. X

  4. Glad you're all better. The cold, damp weather gets to me as well and makes me feel down :( We get out for a walk when we can getting fresh air and exercise. I cycle to and from work as much as the weather will allow. Your photos are glorious and the little pottery birds on the gate! Best, Jane :D x

    1. Thank you Jane. I try to get outdoors when I can and make the most of the weekends, especially at this time of year. X

  5. Great photos, what's the significance of the bird ornaments on the gate? It was a great weekend here too, officially I have loads to do ahead of going away next week but I just couldn't waste the good weather so went out on both days with the dogs and the camera, photos to be posted on my blog when I get back from Ireland. Glad to hear you're feeling much better by the way :)

    1. Thank you Eunice. I've since added an explanation for the birds - I should have really included it in my post originally. X

  6. Goegeous photos Jules, and looks like a perfect walk on Gowbarrow.

    What’s with those bird ornaments on the gate? Is it a wonderful bit of British eccentricity that has managed to avoid vandals. Not surprised your roads have been gritted, bitterly cold here too.

    1. It was a lovely walk Jayne and not too busy at this time of year. It was really cold last night and it came as a bit of a shock after the weekend.
      I've written an short explanation for the birds now. X

  7. I love all those little birds, are they stuck there or are they for sale? Yes, the days are getting very short now and it takes a long time before it's light enough on a morning to turn the light off. Your photos are wonderful, it's nice to get out when the weather holds long enough.

    1. The weather at the weekend was such a treat as the dark mornings and evenings have me feeling a bit weary just now. The birds on the gate are fixed on - I've written a short explanation above. X

  8. What a beautiful weekend you had, perfect for some exploring and a picnic. Try and stay cosy. xx Susan

    1. We like to get out if we can, Susan and the weekend was the perfect weather for it. X

  9. I am sure with all the comments above that you are going to tell us about the birds in your next post - we are all waiting in anticipation!!
    I think winter officially starts on 1st December but it feels like it is early to me.
    I am looking forward to Christmas too and starting to prepare in earnest now.

    1. I've now added a brief explanation, Vivien. I really should have done it in my original post. I'll know another time :)
      Your Christmas preparation is pretty inspiring - you are so organised! I might just need to 'borrow' some of your great ideas. X

  10. Hello!
    I missed the post about your sore throat, but I a certainly glad you are feeling better!
    Your photos are beautiful!
    I love seeing parts of your world.
    Have a cozy evening!

    1. I'm feeling much better now, thank you Billie Jo. X

  11. Happy to hear you are feeling better. Your pictures are gorgeous! It's amazing what some fresh air and exercise can do for the soul. I'm also looking forward to Christmas and all the wonderful excitement it brings!

    1. Thank you Julia. I always feel better for some fresh air, especially with such pretty views. X

  12. Your photos remind me how beautiful this country is and how I miss the cool fresh air! Having said that I've just touched down back in the UK and we had snow yesterday - wow agreed it was chilly! This little Wren loved the little birds on the gate, that is quite some crazy fun collection what a lovely cycle ride you had ! Happy days.
    Wren x

    1. The cold weather must have come as quite a shock. I'm looking forward to snow but maybe not this soon. X

  13. Your photos are so stunning!
    I'm busy knitting a few hats in different colours for the winter - I didn't have any before.

    1. That's a great idea. I might knit myself another. X

  14. Im glad that you are feeling better :)

  15. A glorious glimpse of your beautiful part of the world. Very cold here too but somehow bare branches have their own beauty. Enjoy your preparations for Christmas. I’m sure your daughter is already very excited. B x

    1. Thank you Barbara. It is a shame to have lost the Autumn colour but I do love to see bare tree branches silhouetted against a wintry grey sky. I'm not sure which Lily is more excited about - Christmas, or the possibility of snow. X

  16. So glad that you are feeling better Jules.

    The world outside my window is white with a heavy frost this morning. Looks very pretty but my word it's cold.

    1. Thank you Sheila. As expected, it was frosty here this morning too. I hope you're wearing your woolly hats. X

  17. The gate looks amazing, what a wonderful tribute. You live in a beautiful part of the world, stunning photographs.

    1. It is a lovely tribute. There are also some engraved number markers replicating the rifle range markings and together they represent the loss in both the human and natural worlds. X

  18. So glad you are feeling better!!! Now please remember to take the time, to take good care of yourself. If Mama gets sick again, who will make the Christmas Magic???? :-)

    We are down right very cold here, now. And without sun, it is that damp, penetrating cold. Ugh..... Have to remember that it is the time to hunker down and be warm and cozy, at home.

    Oh your bike ride and walk! Lovely all. But that babbling brook photo, took my heart!!! :-))))

    Take care! Fun times coming!


    1. That's very true. I know I need to take better care of myself but I struggle to find the time.
      Christmas is beginning to creep in here this weekend. There is an aroma of citrus and brandy coming form the kitchen and Lily has put her name down for the Nativity rehearsals. X

  19. So pleased you added the explanation about the birds - it makes an interesting photograph.

    You were so fortunate with the weekend weather. I agree when it's like that it's best to get out and enjoy it! Your photographs are all so lovely …

    Can't believe another week has almost gone and the weekend will be upon us.

    Take care, keep well and keep warm.

    All the best Jan

    1. It was a beautiful weekend. It's a shame they are few and far between at this time of year.
      Time is flying all of a sudden, so I really need to get my Christmas organising head on this week. I'd hate for it all to be last minute. X

  20. Fell running. That’s what I think when I see your wonderful photos. Glad you’re feeling better x

    1. The route would have been perfect for it CT. A couple of runners did pass us along the path. X

  21. Glad to hear that you are feeling better and got to enjoy a sunny weekend. Your photographs are so lovely! Each is more beautiful than the other! Loved the one of all the birds set out on the gate! I hope you have many more sunny days to enjoy before winter sets in. Take care.

    1. That's a lovely thing to say, thank you Bless. The weather was beautiful, we were just very fortunate that it fell like that on a weekend. X

  22. Glad you are feeling better. Your walk pictures are beautiful - so refreshing. I find it lifts my spirits to see beautiful places. What a touching memorial the little birds are.

    1. Thank you Jacqui. It was a lovely walk and the views so beautiful on a sunny day. X

  23. Some wonderful photographic images. I really enjoyed them. Jo x

  24. Just to let you know I have a new blog I was KC's Court


    1. Thank you for letting me know, Julie. I'll take a look. X

  25. Stunning scenes from your bike ride and walk.
    The bird on the gate are fabulous, what a great art project.

    1. Thank you Julie. The birds on the gate were a surprising find. I've never seen anything like it before. X

  26. I was ready to ask about the birds on the gate until I read your last comment. What a lovely idea. Yes, it's been chilly here in the Midlands for the past few days too. Nice and sunny much of the time but a definite nip in the air.

    1. The birds created more interest than I expected so I thought it best to add an explanation. It's another chilly day here but I think it's going to turn mild and damp for the rest of the week. X

  27. Glad to hear you're on the mend Jules. It's easy to forget to look after ourselves so I hope you remember to prioritise yourself a little more often.

    I enjoy going on a virtual walk with you all, it's just a pity it doesn't burn any calories! Say hello to that darling little girl of yours from me. Xx

    1. Thank you Suzanne. I hope you are trying to do the same.
      The walk was lovely but, as it was more of a gentle ramble, I doubt there were many calories burned, which is another concern for me, as my lack of exercise is beginning to show.
      I've said 'hello!' to Lily from you, but she's reading this over my shoulder anyway :D X

  28. I'm glad you are feeling better - yes, you must look after yourself. As ever, your photos are beautiful, what a lovely part of the country you live in, and well done on making the most of the sunshine. A picnic in November! It was bitterly cold here too last week, so cold that we gave in and turned on the heating. I'm very glad it's warmed up a bit now. Take care. x

    1. Thank you so much. It was actually quite warm where we stopped for our picnic. We made sure we were in a sunny spot, away from the wind. The views were OK too. ;)

  29. I love getting out in the fresh air and riding my bike. I think exercise in the cold weather really does increase your appetite. I've been using my woolen and alpaca knits, too.
