Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Fresh air and Fireworks

Last Sunday morning dawned bright and clear. A light frost, blue sky and a sharp chill in the air. My favourite kind of Autumn day.
We had an early start as we were headed for an easily accessible, and therefore, very popular part of the Lakes which is far better enjoyed before the crowds descend. Having packed a rucksack and prepared a packed lunch the evening before, we were out of the house nice and early, delayed slightly only in order to defrost the car.

The early start was definitely worthwhile, however, and we enjoyed the first half of our walk in peaceful surroundings. Having initially walked up a steep incline, we soon warmed up and  were rewarded with stunning views of the landscape awash with Autumn colour. Lily was fascinated by the wishing tree to the edge of the path. Coins are wedged into the bark of the fallen trunk by passers by in the belief it will bring them good fortune. They are becoming a common sight on many walks. Our pathway continued along the hillside, parallel to the road down below, eventually dropping down once again to pass along the lake shore.

After a brief stop to eat our lunch - it was far too cold to sit around for very long - we made our way to a favourite café for a much needed warming drink. My choice at this time of year is hot apple and cinnamon cordial - delicious!

Following the morning's activities, we spent the afternoon pottering and relaxing at home before going back out again in the evening to watch the fireworks. Lily doesn't really like loud noises so we watched from a 'safe' distance. Blimey! It was cold. I was glad we were well wrapped up and thankfully, as the display was quite small we were not out for very long.
Returning home we enjoyed some Sticky Ginger Cake (I always have to make this for Bonfire Night) and lit some sparklers in the garden. Lily was too wary to hold hers so I put them in one of the garden pots!

Recipe for Sticky Ginger Cake:

225g Self Raising flour
1 tspn Bicarbonate of Soda
1 tspn Ground Ginger
1 tspn Mixed Spice
1 tspn Ground Cinnamon
115g Butter
115g Dark Brown Sugar
115g Black Treacle
115g Golden Syrup
275 mls Milk
1 beaten egg

Sieve the dry ingredients, then rub in the butter.
Melt together the syrup, treacle, sugar and milk.
Mix together and add the beaten egg. Pour into a loaf tin (the mixture is quite runny) and bake at 140 for around 50 minutes.

J. X


  1. Jules your day out looks wonderful and your cake divine. I've never heard of or seen coins wedged in trunks.

    1. It was a lovely day Tania. Very cold though. I think Wishing trees are becoming more popular. X

  2. Such beautiful photos. Wishing trees seem to be popping up in all sorts of places now, I don't remember any from my own childhood, I think they must be a new thing. I'm not a fan of bonfire night, I like to see the fireworks but I don't like the loud bangs.

    1. Same here, Jo. I'm not a fan of the very loud bangs. X

  3. The weather is finally turning cold here and Autumn is at its peak. Your pictures tell a lovely story of this time of year with all its color and beauty.

    1. Thank you. It's a beautiful and colourful time of year. X

  4. Your day out looks wonderful. My daughter when small hated fireworks, we'd had them at home and taken her to organised displays where she cried the whole time. Your sticky ginger cake looks delicious. There is a nice pub we sometimes go to and all the old beams are full of coins but I've never seen a wishing tree in the open before.

    1. Eileen, I used to be the same as your daughter. I was terrified of the noise when I was young. Keep a look out for a wishing tree on your travels. X

  5. Gorgeous photos - the light is wonderful. Thanks for sharing.
    J x

  6. Sounds like an amazing day out, photos are so beautiful. And the ginger cake looks delicious. Thank you for the recipe, Jules.

    1. Thank you Nil. We had a lovely day and the weather was perfect. X

  7. Jules....your photographs are amazing. I feel like I could just step through the screen and go walk around that beautiful lake.
    Oh I miss the bonfire nights we used to have when my children were growing up....either at home or an organised display. Ruby hates fireworks and Marlowe is as yet untested with them.
    I didn't make ginger cake this year for November 5th. Might have to make some next weekend...yum, yum.

    1. Thank you Sheila. The beautiful colours made for some good photographs that day.
      Lily enjoys the fireworks, the noise not so much.
      I hope, if you are feeling better, you get to make some ginger cake this weekend. X

  8. What sort of camera do you use Jules? your photography is always so good.
    I shall be making your sticky ginger cake soon, looks lovely and moist. xx

    1. That's a very kind thing to say Marlene but all of my photographs are just taken on my phone.
      The ginger cake is delicious. I'll be making some more very soon. X

  9. I always enjoy visiting the Lake District ...
    Your photo's are simply awesome, stunning, beautiful and every other adjective!
    I've scrolled up and down your post several times enjoying them all, thank you.

    Love the mixture of spices (ground ginger, mixed spice and ground cinnamon) in your recipe - so tasty.

    Hope you enjoy a fabulous weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. You are very kind Jan. The Lake District is stunning, especially when enjoyed on such a beautiful day. X

  10. your sticky ginger cake looks lovely :)

    Evie wasnt too keen on the loud firework noises either...

    1. I think a lot of children are wary of loud noises. I was one of them. X

  11. A glorious walk and sparklers...haven't been to any displays this year, not even held a sparkler (sad face), the cold got the better of my motivation I'm afraid. Was supposed to make toffee apples and even those fell by the wayside. (Even sadder face)! x

    1. I was thrilled to read your news Jackie. It must be such a relief for you.
      I haven't eaten a toffee apple in years! X

    2. Relief doesn't even begin to explain it...and the smugness of doing his while certain people are totally in the dark...big cheesy grin! Not that I'm that kind of person or anything...but you'll know what I mean I'm sure. x

    3. I do know what you mean Jackie. X

  12. Beautiful pictures, Jules. I've never seen a wishing tree, before! The sparklers in the flower pot was a good idea. Thanks for posting the sticky ginger cake recipe. Sounds yummy!

    1. Thank you Bless. I guess this style of wishing tree must be a fairly new idea. X

  13. What a lovely day out. The scenery is stunning and the first photo is beautiful. Thomas has never been keen on holding sparklers either. He obliged me by holding one for a photo but passed on the rest. I'm not complaining though, it means I get to have his share. The photos of Lily are sweet, I bet she had a cracking game going on in her head with the stick :) xx

    1. Thank you Suzanne. I'm with Thomas. It took me a long time before I would ever hold a sparkler and I'm still a little wary today. I think it's down to all the adverts warning us of the dangers - put me right off.
      Lily usually has hold of a stick when we're out on our walks. It pays not to get too close to her while she's swinging it around!

  14. There is nothing better to lift the spirits than an Autumn day walk. I have never seen a wishing tree either but will look out for one now. I will make a note of your cake it certainly looks much lighter than our traditional Yorkshire Parkin.

    1. There has been some really beautiful weather recently which has been great for getting out and about, so we've made the most of the opportunity.
      The cake is lovely and light as well as moist. Let me know if you give it a try. X

  15. Your first photograph is absolutely stunning.
    I made a Be-Ro ginger cake to take to the allotment bonfire, and forgot to put the sugar in it. Amazingly, there was very little difference in taste, so I will omit it on purpose in future!

    1. Thank you Scarlet. It was such a beautiful day and the scenery quite breathtaking .
      It's good to know about the sugar in your cake. I usually put in a little less than the recipe calls for so I might put in even less in future. X

  16. Wow we live in a stunning country dont we. Thank you for sharing these pictures!

    1. Don't we just! It's great to get out there and enjoy it. X

  17. Beautiful sights you saw on your walk.
    Your cake looks delicious

  18. Your cake looks delicious, might have to try the recipe. There's always a black treacle tin lurking in the food cupboard. Lovely photos, Cathy x

    1. Thank you Cathy, it is very tasty. It's the only reason I keep treacle in my food cupboard. X

  19. Opps, very sorry I missed this when you posted it :-(.

    You’ve definitely caught Rydal Water looking at its loveliest, and well done for getting there nice and early before the hordes.

    1. Thank you Jayne. It's always good to get anywhere before the hordes. X
