Sunday, 23 February 2025

A Relaxing Week

If ever we needed reminding that spring is still a little while off, then the weather today has done just that. It's been dark and windy, and the rain has been lashing against the windows all day. Thoroughly miserable. We've been hunkered down indoors, which hasn't been a bad thing, as I've had lots to be getting on with. I start back at work again tomorrow, so it's been good to get on top of all things house and admin related. I've made a big batch of soup, finally finished the painting in the kitchen, and I've been planning another couple of short trips for later in the year. There has also been much juggling of finances, as I'm looking at getting a new (to me) car. I'll be taking Lily to see it tomorrow before I make a final decision. Exciting!

And it has been really lovely spending this last week at home. Most of my friends had acted surprised when I'd told them I hadn't got any plans for my week off. But just as I'd thought, it has been exactly what I needed. Having nothing in the diary meant that we could take advantage of any sunnier days, and we've enjoyed some very pleasant walks. We've been down by the lake, enjoyed a quiet early morning ramble along the canal, and last night, we watched the most beautiful sunset over the sea. A perfect prescription for wellbeing. 

I've made plans for the garden. I had initially hoped that I'd be able to dig over the raised bed and have a general tidy around this week, but I think that will need to wait for some drier weather. I've already sowed some sweet peas, peppers and strawberries indoors, and I've  bought several packets of seeds, which will be sowed directly outdoors sometime in early spring.

Another activity Lily and I have enjoyed this week, has been watching the first series of All Creatures Great and Small, on iPlayer. It's been so good. We've tucked ourselves up, nice and cosy under a blanket each evening, and been transported back in time to the beautiful Yorkshire Dales. It's encouraged us both in wanting to explore the area a little more, and is the main reason I've been making plans for another trip. 

Back soon.
J. X

Thursday, 13 February 2025

Soup and Snowdrops

The days are lengthening, but there is no doubt that we are still in winter's grasp. It has felt bitterly cold here, this week, and it hasn't helped in that I'm sure I've been fending off some sort of a virus. It's hard to tell, as at this time of year my shoulders always ache from holding myself tense, and from being hunched up against whatever the weather sends this way. I assume it's going to freeze again tonight, as I noticed the gritters driving past, while I was working earlier.  Not to worry, spring will soon be here. At least, that's what I keep reminding myself. 

But it is true. I've seen the signs. We went for a gentle stroll through the woods at the weekend, and we found some wild garlic. We'll go back again and pick some in a few week's time, as I've promised Lily we will use some to make our own garlic bread.

And the snowdrops there looked so lovely, beneath the trees. Not huge swathes of these delicate white flowers, like you find in some places, but pretty all the same. And we've watched as they've grown in number over the last few years. Establishing themselves and creating a beautiful woodland display, close to the pond.

And I realise I say this far too often, but it also felt so good to get outdoors. It feels as though I've hardly stopped for breath lately. Weekends seem to be spent catching up with housework and preparing ahead for the working week, where once again, I've seen another adjustment to my hours. It isn't really sustainable for me, but I've been reassured that these additional hours will be only temporary, and I am, at least, gaining some new skills. I am happy to continue like this for the time being, but if it is to become a more permanent change, then something will have to give elsewhere. In other news, I completed my latest coursework, and made my final submission last week. I have since been advised that I've met the assessment requirements and passed the course. Yay! 

One of the upsides of working these extra hours, is that I've had to be more organised during the week, which means I've been much more strict about meal planning and batch cooking. Knowing in advance just what we'll be eating has been much less stressful for me, and it also means I've avoided the need to call in at the supermarket on my way home from work each day, saving valuable time. This isn't a new concept for me, but I do have a habit of letting things slide every now and again, when life gets a little more hectic than usual. 

Since I've needed to significantly reduce my bread intake, instead of sandwiches, I've been relying on warming and nutritious soups to see me through each day. I cook up a large panful every weekend, then portion it up, ready to heat through for my lunches during the week. I've mentioned this before and I've had a few requests for a recipe, so I'll probably add this one to the side bar. It will also make it easier for me to refer to as well. I am a huge fan of all kinds of vegetable soups but have two favourite go-to recipes, and this is the one I'm enjoying this week.

Tomato, Red Pepper and Lentil Soup

2 carrots 

1 red onion

1 red pepper

2 tins chopped tomatoes

180g red lentils

1 tablespoon tomato puree 

1l vegetable stock

A large sprinkling of garlic granules

Melt some butter in a large pan and gently cook the diced onion, carrot and pepper until soft. Add the remaining ingredients, season with salt and pepper, and simmer for 30 minutes. Then blend until smooth. This makes approximately 6 portions.

Let me know if you try it.

Back soon.

J. X


Friday, 31 January 2025



It's been a little while, so I'm tentatively peeking my head around the door. How is everyone? I hope the New Year is treating you well. 

My absence here, this month has, again, been intentional. I've always made no secret of the fact that the month of January is far from my favourite time of year. It is often cold, dark and damp, and the warm days of spring still seem so very far away. Last year, I had a great idea that I would power my way through this miserable winter month. I was going to make plans to stay busy, and to keep on keeping on, but by doing this, I was refusing to acknowledge that what I really needed to do was to slow down, relax, and embrace the season for what it is. 

The earth is still sleeping, and it is a time of rest. There is a whole year in front of us, so I'm not sure why I usually feel the need to rush things. With that in mind, this year, I made a conscious decision to take some time away from here, lean into the quiet days, and try my best to seek out the simple joys, just to make January feel that little bit more bearable. You could almost say I've been hibernating, except that I've still enjoyed some lovely, restorative walks - one of them a pleasant surprise, as my workplace was unexpectedly forced to close for the day, which meant I could enjoy some much needed winter sunshine.

And it's been okay. I've reached the end of the month unscathed, albeit a little tired (I always need sunshine to recharge my batteries), and I've kept my focus on work and home. Even on the brighter days, I've done just enough to get through, alleviating myself of any unnecessary pressure. This isn't always easy, as I do like to try and at least do something at the weekends, especially when the working week often feels never-ending.

Anyway, I'm feeling much more positive, as we move that tiny bit closer to spring. Have you noticed the daylight hours increasing? It was wonderful to see that it was still just about light here at 5pm last night. And the snowdrops are beginning to flower. Such a pretty sight beneath the trees.

And talking of flowers, I've discovered last season's sweet pea seeds, which I am intending to sow this weekend. I will also have to consider what I will be planting in the raised bed this year. Thankfully, it doesn't look like I've lost anything in the garden to the frosts this winter, although time will tell. The lemon trees are quite comfortable in the house for the time being, and are already showing signs of new growth, although still no flowers as yet. The garden needs a quick tidy but other than that, it doesn't look too bad, and I'm looking forward to spending more time out there once the weather picks up. 

It's lovely to see lots of feathered friends using the bird feeder just now. I like to keep it well stocked for them with fat balls and meal worms. Of course, I hardly saw any birds whilst I was taking part in the Big Garden Birdwatch, but my friend and I laugh that it's always the same for us every year :) Still, it's an hour to just sit and relax, and enjoy a mug of tea. 

Although things have been pleasingly quiet around here, I have been putting together some plans for several mini-adventures. I've booked a return overnight stay at Skiddaw House during the summer, and a few city breaks have been arranged throughout the year. One of which I am particularly excited about. 

Back soon.
J. X