Saturday, 23 April 2016

A New Blanket


It has been gloriously sunny here lately. It feels like we have spent more time outside this week than during the last few months put together. We've sat in the garden, been at the park, fed the ducks, enjoyed fish and chips by the canal and had a walk in the woods.

I have also started a new project. 
It is less than two years since I bought my (one and only) crochet hook. I had been drawn to the beautiful colours of the Cosy Stripe Blanket on the Attic24 website. Using just the one stitch and with, in Lucy's words, very little counting or pattern reading it seemed like it might just be something I could manage as my first attempt. So I bought my hook, ordered my yarn and with the help of Lucy's excellent photographic tutorial I did it!!

With having a small person taking up all a lot of my time I, unfortunately, haven't managed to do much crochet since. I did complete another blanket for Lily using candy coloured stripes, a few baubles for my Christmas tree, the eggs for our Easter tree and a cushion cover. All very simple but enjoyable to do.

I have now decided to try doing some granny squares. Again, following various online tutorials, I have managed to make a four colour square with a solid border. The idea being that when I have enough squares they will be joined together to create a small blanket/throw to keep in the car for when we go out and about on our adventures. The first being our travels in Scotland following the wedding.

From today onwards I am going to attempt to crochet one square each day over the next few weeks.
I have twenty squares so far so I will just see how I get on. Obviously, I will also need time to join the squares and crochet the border but I'm really looking forward to seeing how this one turns out. More importantly, I'm looking forward to the memories we will be creating while we are using it.

Monday, 18 April 2016

Orrest Head

The last two weeks seem to have flown by. One minute April is on the horizon, the next we're halfway through! How does that happen? I feel  like I have been constantly busy with not an awful lot to show for it.
I am, however, determined to 'get out and do more' so last Sunday we visited Elleray Wood and Orrest Head. It promised to be a good weather day so a picnic was packed and off we went to the train station. Following a false start (thank you train app) we eventually arrived in Windermere just before midday.
The lovely lady in the ticket office even gave Lily her very own VIP ticket. How cute is that?                                           
The walk to the top doesn't take very long and is all on lane or track. The sun shone through the trees and every so often there was a viewing point with a mere glimpse of what was to come at the top.
We were blessed with a beautifully clear day and we sat and took in the views while we ate our sandwiches. It is a popular walk and was quite busy at the top.
Alfred Wainwright once said "Those few hours on Orrest Head cast a spell that changed my life".
Of course, after all our hard work, once we had walked down we rewarded ourselves with a delicious Hot Chocolate at a local café.

J. X