Monday, 30 December 2024

'Tis the Season...


I hope you all enjoyed a calm and peaceful Christmastime. I've been intentionally absent in this space for a while, as I needed some time to reflect on the holiday and acknowledge a few aspects which were rather challenging for me, this year. Even though I thought that I'd been prepared for it, the reality was much harder than I had anticipated. The last few weeks have seen many ups and downs, but as usual I'm focusing on the ups, as that is what's keeping me going just now. 

Keeping everything incredibly simple has been a huge help, as well as being quite the eye opener to what I really don't need to bother with in future. I did, of course, enjoy taking the time to make my own door wreath, using some fir tree branches, which I'd gathered from the woods, and tied with some pink velvet ribbon, which had been wrapped around one of last year's Christmas presents. This is something I really enjoy doing, and I find it so relaxing.  

On Christmas Eve, just like last year, we met up with some friends for a girl's brunch. It was a relaxed and happy occasion and I have a feeling that this will become a regular event moving forward. After all, this is how traditions start.

Even though I'm almost certain that Lily simply does this for my benefit now, we left out the obligatory carrot and mincemeat shortbread for the big man himself. No whisky this year, as for some reason, Lily decided milk would be the more healthy alternative :)

Christmas Day was fairly quiet and relaxed. Dinner was excellent, if I say so myself :) with the only leftovers being five balls of stuffing. This I was thrilled about, as it meant we could get back to eating 'normal' food straight away.

The very inexpensive crackers were a hit. And I've particularly enjoyed transforming the leftover card into next year's gift tags, already. I just adore the robin and holly print.

As is tradition, we went out for a walk on Boxing Day morning. I don't know if it was because of the gloomy, damp weather, but it was much quieter out than usual. The fell tops were covered with cloud, but there were still some gorgeous views to enjoy. I realised that I haven't spent as much time outdoors recently, so I really must rectify that in the New Year. Then it was back home again, where I cooked up a rather tasty homemade take on a Greggs Festive Bake. Simply served up with a side of pickled red cabbage, it was so delicious that it has been suggested as an alternative to next year's Christmas dinner! 

Yesterday, we enjoyed some time ice skating. It's one of my favourite things to do at this time of year, even though I'm sure that, by now, I should have graduated to being the person who sits and watches, while holding all the bags. Even so, I'm quite happy to take my time skating tentatively around the edge of the rink, while Lily glides away effortlessly across the ice.

We're now getting ever closer to 2025, and I'm feeling more positive and hopeful. Prioritising my own needs is still an ongoing learning process, but I'm getting better at it all the time. Looking back over the last twelve months, I'd like to think that I've seized opportunities and made the most of my days. There's always room for improvement, of course.  
I joked with Lily about doing a New Year's Day dip in Derwentwater, and she was, surprisingly, up for it! Maybe in 2026. 

J. X

Sunday, 15 December 2024

Gently Into December



As the title suggests, I have been easing myself into the month, being mindful of taking on too much, and so far, it's all going rather well. I've turned down a couple of events I felt I was being pressured into. Go me! (Or not, in this case), and I've lowered my expectations. This is very much a positive thing. With so much going on in the  background, it would be foolish of me to think I could keep up a pretence of everything being normal when, in fact, it is anything but.
That's not to say I am not enjoying myself, it's just all happening in a much quieter way this year.

The decorations are up! I think we might have even put them up a little earlier than usual, and we can thank Storm Darragh for that. It arrived the weekend we had planned to go to London to see the Christmas lights. I was quite relieved, to be honest. A weekend spent hunkering down at home, and making everything look festive, was very welcome, and although it was incredibly windy here, we fortunately managed to avoid the worst of it.

Even the decorations have been pared back this year. Not that I ever go overboard, but I've discovered that less is most definitely more in this little house. The advent stockings are in their usual position above the fireplace and the lovely, festive bunting, which my friend gifted me last Christmas, has been hung in the dining room. I've laid fairy lights around the base of the bay window, which give a warm and welcoming glow from outside, and the many decorations that we've collected over the years, have been lovingly hung on our tree. Each one holding precious memories of Christmasses past. 

This year, I didn't buy just one special decoration for the tree, but six! As a child, I remember two little bells hung on the Christmas tree. One green bell, and one red bell, although both of them appeared rather faded with age. I would just love to ring those little bells, which made the most magical sound. The bells I've bought were quite inexpensive, but they sound exactly the same. And each time I brush past our tree, they give that same magical ring. It is so lovely to hear. And, what makes me incredibly happy, is that I've noticed Lily occasionally pausing by the tree to ring one of them, just like I used to do. 

At the beginning of the week, Lily and I visited Sizergh Castle. This year, they are holding a Winter Light Trail, and I thought it would be a lovely way to spend an evening. It was really quite magical. The lights and music were almost hypnotic, and there was something to see around every corner. After the trail we were invited to walk around the house, where each room was decorated for Christmas throughout the years. It was all beautifully presented, and something a bit different. We really enjoyed it. 

Despite my best intentions, I'm still waiting for my festive spirit to arrive. And if it doesn't, then I'm quite okay without it. I'm still having a very lovely time, it's just different this year. Tomorrow, I'm hoping to finish my buying my Christmas gifts, and then I think I'll make a start on planning my Christmas food shopping.

J. X

Saturday, 30 November 2024

Cold, Sparkly Mornings

As we near December, the weather has turned much colder here. I'm still riding my bike to work, although I'm wearing more and more layers as winter approaches. I have to be careful. For the most part, the road is fairly free from frost and ice, but I'm often distracted by views like this.

I wanted to blog before tomorrow, as a few of you have asked if I will be posting daily throughout December, like I usually do. I'm sad to say that I won't be doing this year. As much as I enjoy it, I just have too much going on right now, and I won't have the opportunity. My good intentions of enjoying a quieter month are also quite unlikely, as I only have the weekends to be able to get Christmas 'sorted'. Posting daily would put far too much unnecessary pressure on myself, and for me that is not what blogging is about. 

It won't just be preparations, however, as I'm being very firm with myself, this year, and keeping things as stress free as possible. There are also a lot of other fun things happening, which I'm very excited about. Since I last posted I've made a start with gift buying, which seems to be a little bit easier this year, especially as I have fewer people to buy for. I've purchased a very inexpensive box of Christmas Crackers, simply because I liked the pattern, and nobody really bothers with the novelty gifts anyway. And a lovely work colleague has taken orders for Christmas Cakes. She is, I've been told, an excellent baker, so I don't have any need to spend time making one myself. Then I've sat myself down and made a list of what I'd really like this Christmas, which is to make a homemade door wreath, a trip to go ice skating, and enjoying a drink (or two) of my Winter Spice Vodka. Oh, and I mustn't forget the Baileys and Quality Street! Everything else will remain optional. Christmas Day will be a pared back affair. Not quite my ideal vegetable lasagne and red wine scenario, but certainly much more simple. Yikes, I almost forgot the After Eights!

On a more reassuring note, I've just been checking in my diary, and so far it is completely empty between Christmas Day and New Year. Completely empty! I'm sure that will change at some point, but I'm going to try and keep it that way for as long as possible. 

J. X

Monday, 18 November 2024



I'm writing this beside the fireplace. It's been such a cold day. Outside it's beginning to go dark, and the sky is looking heavy and grey. It is typical of November. Snow is forecast overnight and it feels like winter is approaching. 

I don't have very much to tell you. Life has been ticking along quite mundanely, and I've been intentionally keeping it that way. I'm constantly being reminded of the quote, 'If you don't make time for your wellness, you'll be forced to make time for your illness.' So I'm doing my utmost to take care of myself. I'm prioritising getting enough sleep, and eating healthy meals. On Sundays, I've been making a big batch of soup, and dividing it up for my lunches during the week. This week, it's curried carrot and lentil, and it's absolutely delicious. Having something already prepared makes for a quick and nourishing lunch. It also means that I'm less likely to make unhealthy choices.

I'm still at the stage of only thinking about Christmas and If I'm being honest, I'm slightly panicking that I haven't yet begun any actual preparations. No matter how hard I try not to, I always put myself under too much pressure at this time of year. Perhaps this might be the year that I finally learn to let things just 'be'. I've enjoyed a thorough peruse of the 'Christmas by Booths' book - IYKYK - but so far I'm lacking inspiration. Maybe I'll feel more festive later in the week, when we go to see the Christmas lights in the town. Or maybe tomorrow, IF we wake up to snow!

Even though it's turned much colder here, I've been getting out for a few walks. When I'm feeling lethargic, I find a good brisk walk helps to energise me and lift my mood. The woods where we often go are looking really quite sparse now, and most of the trees are bare. The ground is thick with mud and leaves, and there's a damp, earthy smell in the air.

It can be a challenge motivating myself to go outside when the weather is so depressing, but if I'm wrapped up well (and as long as there's very little chance of rain) then I soon feel the benefit. And, of course, there is nothing more satisfying than returning home to a cosy house. Warming cold fingers in front of the fire. Or even better still, around a mug of hot chocolate :) 

Last week, I enjoyed Lily's first secondary school parent's evening, and I'm delighted to say that she's settled in brilliantly and doing really well. The teaching staff made some really lovely comments, and I especially liked the one about Lily being just 'an incredibly lovely person'. It made me feel quite emotional. 

Back soon. 

J. X