Tuesday 8 October 2024


It's been an incredibly busy and stressful two weeks, although I'm hopeful things might be a little more settled moving forwards, for a short while, at least, any chance of life slowing down any time soon has all but gone.  I feel wrung out. I don't sleep well at the best of times, and it has been even more of a challenge given the recent turn of events, not to mention I haven't been eating well, which has been through lack of opportunity, not choice. I've had little time to take stock, but I'm very aware things needs to change. I need to pare back, prioritise and seek out some moments of calm. 

I will intentionally give swimming a miss today. As much as I will miss it, as I've come to really enjoy my weekly sessions, I just need a moment in my day where I am not rushing about in order to achieve something. I imagine that anyone who is a carer for a friend or relative can resonate with this. Constantly putting the other person's needs before our own, comes naturally, but not without cost. Please don't think I am complaining. I realise that I am in a privileged position where I am able to be around to help, but balancing all my responsibilities is proving rather difficult. 

You can imagine my relief when last weekend arrived and I had half a day when I didn't need to be anywhere. Even better, the sun was shining, it was a beautiful early autumn morning. A moment to slow down, take a breath, and (try to) relax, so a walk through the deer park seemed like a delightful idea. Unlike the previous day, there was very little breeze and it was warm. It was so lovely. Of course, I had dressed for cooler weather, so it wasn't long before I needed to remove a layer or two. I was slightly miffed that it wasn't the weather for hat wearing, as my hair might have been much better hidden beneath one. It is looking quite 'neglected' at the moment. In fact, I probably won't be needing to dress up this Hallowe'en, I just need a broomstick :)  

Our walk took us through an avenue of trees, then along by the river. Leaves were gently falling all around us, but it will still be several weeks before autumn displays it's true colours. The deer are dark in colour, and as they were alongside the wall, well away from the path, I didn't even try to take a photograph of them. It is always so lovely to see them though. They make in impressive sight when they are running through the park.

Something else impressive were the cakes we treated ourselves to, from the bakery at Levens Hall. Carrot cake, and Beetroot and Chocolate cake. So yummy! The hot chocolates we had were delicious as well. 

We sat in the courtyard for a while, enjoying watching the bees busying themselves among the flowers.

Then we walked back along the opposite side of the river. The trees beautifully reflected in the water. I managed to take this photograph just a moment before one of those stones landed with a huge splash, right in the middle, there. Lily just couldn't help herself. Don't worry, there weren't any ducks close by. 

Almost as soon as I'd returned to the car, it was as though a bubble burst. The moment was gone and I was back to worrying about things, once again. It is uncertain as to how the situation will be navigated, moving forwards, but for the time being I will continue to do everything I can, while relishing those in between moments, in order to re-fill my cup. 

The first thing on my list, will be sorting my hair out. 

J. X

Saturday 28 September 2024

From Summer into Autumn


And just like that, we stumbled into autumn. The last day of summer was quite beautiful here, and I spent some time in the garden doing a little bit of tidying. One of my surprise sunflowers had opened up and, although a little late, it was lovely to see. The second sunflower is waiting patiently for it's moment to shine, but I think this week's forecast sunshine might just provide the encouragement it needs. 

The pumpkins are turning more and more orange with each passing day. 🎃

My lovely acer, which still needs repotting. A job for next weekend, I think. 

In the evening we watched the last of the summer sun set above the Lakeland fells. It was a beautiful way to end our summer, even if it had been a rather disappointing one this year. Let's hope autumn more than makes up for it. 

The following day we set off from Borrowdale, and walked up High Spy and Maiden Moor. Two more Wainwrights ticked off, but more importantly, a wonderful day up on the fells. It was a steep ascent, but the views towards Keswick were stunning, and by setting off from Grange we managed to avoid the crowds on Catbells. Also, my foot held up well, which was a huge relief. Autumn colours were already starting to show, but I am looking forward to a far more glorious display as we head through October.

This week, just as life was ticking along quite nicely, I was thrown a curve ball, and have spent much of my time driving up and down the motorway, visiting a family member who is in hospital. In between times, I've been attempting to juggle work and family life, including keeping the routine as steady as possible for Lily. I feel exhausted. It would have been very easy for me to miss my weekly swim session, but instead I made the effort, and I'm so glad I did. It felt good to do something for myself, even if only for a short while. And it's going to be much of the same for this coming week, at least. So, in between times, I need to remind myself to seek out those small moments that make me happy.

Speaking of which. Look what I found on my way to work yesterday :)

J. X

Monday 16 September 2024

Enjoying the Last Days of Summer


Although the nights are drawing in rathers quickly now, I have still been making the most of these last summer days. If you've been reading here for a while now, you won't need any reminding of my need to soak up every last ray of warm sunshine before the colder  weather is here to stay. Winters here can be long and dark, and let's just say I'm not a fan of rain. 

I'm thrilled to say that Lily's first full week at secondary school has been a positive one. She certainly seems to have settled well, which has been incredibly reassuring for me. I'll find out more next week, when I get the opportunity to speak to her teachers at the open evening. 

My return to work has also gone smoothly, especially given that my my role was adjusted, literally the evening before I went back. I don't know why I was surprised by this, but I'll not get too comfortable, as it will, no doubt, change again before very long.

The last few weekends we've enjoyed spending some time at the beach. I had a yearning to breathe in the fresh sea air, and to feel soft, warm sand beneath my feet. 

One evening, we went to Blackpool to see the Illuminations. We kept with tradition, starting off with a fish and chip supper in Bispham, then we caught the tram along the promenade, towards the Tower. It was a lovely warm evening, and perfect for watching the amazing firework display, from our bench on the pier. I may have also treated myself to some freshly cooked doughnuts. Very sugary, very delicious :)

This week I've been resting, as much as possible, following an injection into my foot. I'm really hopeful this will help relieve the pain I've been experiencing, but only time will tell. To further help with this, I'm taking an extended break from running. Instead, I've started swimming once a week, in an attempt to keep my fitness levels up. 

I've finally got around to pickling some of the beetroot. There are still quite a few left to harvest, which I will try to do this week. 

And the pumpkins are ripening! Autumn is on the way. 🍂

J. X

Friday 30 August 2024


Despite the very best of intentions, I've been a bit rubbish about posting here lately, although I'm hopeful that will change, just as soon as autumn term begins and I'm back into some sort of routine once again. I can't think that by this time next week, Lily will have already completed three full days at secondary school. She seems ready for the challenge, even if I am not :)  She tried her uniform on earlier, and I'm happy to say it all still fits. She has, of course tried all the items on as we've bought them, just not everything at once. It's quite scary how grown up she looks.

I commented on Billie Jo's blog, earlier, that I am feeling a little mournful at summer's impending end, but this year it feels even more poignant. Changing seasons in every sense. I never particularly enjoy the slow transition between summer and autumn, waking up each morning never quite knowing what the weather will have in store. Summer has felt all too short here, this year. The evenings are becoming dark much earlier now and the morning air feels cool and fresh. 

Having said that, we've actually had a really lovely summer break.  Lake days have been fewer than in previous years, but the kayak has been a really great investment. Lily absolutely loves it. Our old camping stove still serves us well for boiling the water for our hot chocolate. 

I finally managed to make good on a promised walk up Red Screes. It was a beautiful evening, and the views were spectacular. 

In between days of decluttering and decorating the kitchen, we've enjoyed walking through the fields and seeing the sunflowers.

This year, my birthday was spent taking part in The Lakeland Festival of Light. 

We enjoyed a visit to Settle, to enjoy the Flowerpot Festival.

A lovely couple of days were spent in Hebden Bridge, staying in a beautiful apartment, right on the edge of the town. 
We spent a pleasant morning walking along the river at Hardcastle Crags.

And an afternoon walking along the canal. We loved seeing the narrowboats and imagined what it would be like to live on one. After much discussion, we decided against the idea :)

We called in at Howarth on the way home. Then stopped off at Skipton, for our lunch. Chips, eaten by the canal. 

We've foraged the first ripened blackberries. They've been washed, weighed and now stored in the freezer. Some of them will be used to make Blackberry Vodka, and the rest  will be used for compote, just as soon as I've got my hands on some elderberries.

This afternoon, I've spent some time in the garden. I've pulled weeds, cut the grass and washed out the bird box. This will be allowed to dry, then I will paint it again, before next spring. The pumpkins are still growing well, and there are plenty of potatoes and beetroot left for us to enjoy. It won't be long before I'm tidying it all, in time for the winter months. 

J. X